Okay, I'm obviously missing something here.  Even though the
submit_write user has a password set according to the SELECT output
below, I can't use that password or any password to login as this user.
Only a null password is accepted.  The first attempt I enter the correct
password; no go.  The second attempt I don't enter a password; I'm in.

What gives?

mysql> select host,user,password from user mysql;
| host      | user         | password         |
| localhost | root         | 0d7d2b5f41747747 |
| mccrae    | root         | 0d7d2b5f41747747 |
| localhost |              |                  |
| mccrae    |              |                  |
| %         | %            |                  |
| %         | submit_write | 65f6943414e7dad9 |
| localhost | %            |                  |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> quit
root@mccrae mysql # bin/mysql --user=submit_write --password
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'submit_write@localhost' (Using
password: YES)
root@mccrae mysql # bin/mysql --user=submit_write --password
Enter password:
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Beware the fury of a patient man.
   --John Dryden

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