Sunday, December 01, 2002, 5:24:41 AM, you wrote:

MSI> Hi, apologies upfront since this is not directly a mysql question. I
MSI> have a mysql host sitting behind a linksys router/wireless ap. The mysql 
MSI> host is configured as a DMZ host in the router. All web/ftp other 
MSI> connections are working fine, however mysql connection from outside the 
MSI> network is not working. Not only that if there is any inbound connection 
MSI> mysql crashes hard and does not accept any connection or process anymore 
MSI> queries.

MSI> Any idea what could be the possible cause?

What OS? What is the MySQL version? Have you  installed MySQL from binary
or source distribution?

MSI> Does mysql need other ports ope besides 3306 ?

Nope, if MySQL server is running on 3306.

MSI> Other DB (postgres) and services work fine. Although
MSI> I had to do some tricky stuff for the same host before I could get 
MSI> proFTPD working for passive ftp.

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