I'm brand-new to MySQL/PHP and to this list, spending an interesting holiday weekend devoted to trying to start learning the MySQL/PHP/Apached axis.

There're three things that had me thinking of just giving it all up. But after a night's sleep I can't deny still wanting to learn how to design and lay out database-driven websites.

But three problems prevent me from getting into the "meat" of some really great tutorials I found ...

1) I have administrator rights on the G3 PowerBook on which I'm doing this learning. But that's not the same as MySQL recognizing me with administrator acces, is it? How can I make MySQL give me administrator access, so I can have permission to issue CREATE [and ALL other] commands. As it is now, when I try to create a table from the Terminal window--and I've decided I DO want to be able to do this in the Terminal also, not just thru a GUI--an error message appears, saying that access is denied.

2) If I create a table in phpMyAdmin, how do I plant it in, say, Dreamweaver--or, really, code it into the HTML Dreamweaver creates--so the table can be accessed, as part of a web page, from a browser?

3) I got to the end of November 2002 Macworld magazine's "Serve It Up" article, to the sidebar "A Jump Start". I downloaded MacUser's .sit file for the 'start application' mentioned, unpacked it all, and put its folder in my SItes folder. I called it up thru my browse--using http://localhost/stephent/contacts/index.php--and was presented with a login page. I put in the username MySQL knows me by and a box drops down with 'Select a username' and three options: 'root', the one I'd put in, and a third name I use in my email address "stiano". Whichever I choose, the password I use with each of them, specified earlier in MySQL, is put in the second field on the login page. I press the 'Log in' button, and a Netscape alert appears. It says:

The information you have entered is to be sent over an unencryoted connection and could easily be read by a third party.

Are you sure you want to continue sending this information?

and a third line where I can check off to be alerted any time I submit unencrypted info.

Plus two buttons. If I choose the default 'Continue', the process begins again, the box dropping with the three choices of user name. The only way to get out of this maddening circle is to choose 'Cancel', which of course just leaves me sitting on the login page without being logged in, and with the sample database nowhere to be seen.

These three issues addressed, I'd be happy as a clam and moving on.

Steve Tiano

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