Hello, all. I have been staring at this problem for an entire day. Googling turns up very little in the way of helpful information for solving my problem.

So here's the situation: I have installed mySQL on Debian testing. I'm using mySQL version 3.23.52. It's running as a daemon. I have successfully set the password for root. I have been able to play with the 'test' database ... creating a table, adding and deleting columns and rows, etc.

I started a new tutorial, and ran into a problem. When I attempt to add a new database, I get the following error message: ERROR 1006: Can't create database 'mydb'. (errno: 5).

Googling turned up a very similar error, only it was errno: 28 instead of errno: 5. errno: 28 is related to disk space, but I have found absolutely nothing on errno: 5. I am not even close to being out of space on the partition containing the data directory. I have checked permissions/ownership on the data directory, owner has rw permissions, its owned by mysql, and the group is mysql. Since Google yielded nothing, I scoured the mySQL mailing list archives ... nothing there, either. Here's the output from start to finish:

# mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 6 to server version: 3.23.52-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> create database mydb;
ERROR 1006: Can't create database 'mydb'. (errno: 5)

Am I missing something completely obvious? Any idea what the root cause of the message might be? Anyone? ... Bueler?


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