At 04:40 PM 3/28/2003, you wrote:
Where can a newbie go to learn how design and build a database quick.



That's like saying to a sales person at a home center mega store, "How do I design an build a house real quick". Well, it takes time to learn database design and MySQL. If you make a mistake with the database, the walls and roof aren't going to fall in on you, but sometimes it just feels that way.<g>

To get started may I suggest Paul Dubois excellent book called "MySQL 2nd Edition".

The MySQL manual is also quite good.

You also need a GUI tool for MySQL unless you want to use SQL scripts to build your database. Try MySQLFront which is free but discontinued. Download from

There is also SQLyog which is another MySQL admin tool from That is also free.

MS also had a pretty good case tool Visio Modeler which has plenty of docs on how to design a database. Download from

So the only thing that isn't free here is Paul's book. (Why is that Paul?<VBG>)

So's I can feed my family! :-)


Paul DuBois
sql, query

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