
On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 05:39:13AM -0800, Prabu Subroto wrote:
> Dear my friends....
> I am trying to read the content per line of a query
>  result with "mysql_fetch_row". But I got this error
>  message :
>  "
>  Musingin homepage
> koneksi sukses. Sukses memilih database. Sukses
>  melakukan query. Besar hasil query 1. 
> Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a
>  valid MySQL result resource in
>  /srv/www/htdocs/i-am-e-system/cgi-bin/tulis.php on
>  line 20

The query failed, so it didn't return a valid result, whether emtpy or

>  Akhir baris. 
> "
> Could any body tell me where my mistake?
> Here is my codes under belom:
>  <?PHP
>  $konek=mysql_connect("localhost", "prabu",
>  "password");
>  if ($konek){
>        echo "koneksi sukses.\n";
>        mysql_select_db("berita");
>        echo "Sukses memilih database.\n";
>        $kalimatsql="
>        SELECT noberita, pengirim, tanggal, namafile 
>       FROM berita
>        ";

I'm not sure what's wrong with the query, but you can call mysql_error
to find out.

>        $hasil = mysql_query($kalimatsql, $konek);

Now check if the query was successful:

         if (!$hasil) {
           echo mysql_error();
         else {

>        echo "Sukses melakukan query.\n";
>        $besarhasil=sizeof($hasil);

What I guess you want to do here is call mysql_num_rows to get the
number of rows in the result. Use sizeof to get the number of items in
a list, not in a MySQL result resource, which is a single result object.

>        echo "Besar hasil query $besarhasil.\n";
>        while ($baris = mysql_fetch_row($hasil)){
> list($noberita,$pengirim,$tanggal,$namafile)=$baris;
>              echo "
>              Nomer berita            : $noberita\n
>              Pengirim            : $pengirim\n
>              Tanggal                  : $tanggal\n
>              Nama file            : $namafile\n
>              ";
>        }      
>       echo "Akhir baris.\n";
> } else echo "Gagal konek.\n";
>  mysql_close($konek);
>  ?>
> Thank you very much in advance.

You're welcome.



Fred van Engen                              XB Networks B.V.
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