I'm having trouble pulling a response.redirect to an IP located in a Group table. The 
user logs in ok, the currentUser variable is dim'ed and stores the data fine.

The problem is matching the currentUser to the user.username stored in MySQL, and 
redirecting to the associated IP from the Group table. Here's what I have, although 
nothing I do seems to avoid the "expected ')' " or "syntax error" messages.

dim currentUser %>
<% currentUser = AuthX.CurrentUserName(Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR"), 
Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"), Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"))
If (1) Then
    Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
MyConnect=MyConnect & server.mappath(dbname)& ";"
MyConn.Open "DSN=local"

set rstemp = MyConn.execute("SELECT group.hostip FROM test.group, test.user WHERE 
group.grouid = user.groupid AND (user.username = "currentUser")")
response.Redirect(<i> rstemp </i>)
Else     response.Write("failed")
End If %>

I'm new at this, so please be kind in your helpful suggestions.


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