Sorry, but what did dou mean with 'Are you still using VisualFoxPro...'?

Mensaje citado por: "Ruiz González, Jose de Jesus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Are you still using VisualFoxPro as the programmig language in your
> project?
> If so, you can use SQL functions from VisualFoxPro to connect to mySQL
> using
> Install mySQL (if you have not allready do it )
> Then install MyODBC-3.51.06.exe (downloadable from mySQL page)
> Create the ODBC bridge to mySQL with the ODBC Administrator
> If your project is OO then you can understand the next code I wrote
> (Whith
> this classes I connecto to Oracle, SQL Server
> and, of course mySQL )
>                       COdbc
>                ^                                   ^
>                |                                   |
> COdbcSynchBatchMan                 COdbcSynchBatchNotrans
>       ^                     ^                         ^
>       |                     |                          |
> Instantiate a CMYSQL object and you are ready
> * //////////////////////////////////
> define class COdbc as custom
>       protected m_sClsNam
>       protected m_sSourceName                 && CO
>       protected m_sUserID                             && ops$jjr
>       protected m_sPassword                   && jjr
>       protected m_iConnectionID               && numero devuelto por
> sqlconnect
>       protected m_sCursorResults              && cursor en que se
> devuelven los datos
>       protected m_sCursorColumns      && cursor en que estan los nombres
> de las columnas SQLCOLUMNS
>       protected m_sCursorTables               && cursor en que estan los
> nombres de la tablas SQLTABLES
>       protected m_bInTransaction              && bandera para indicar si
> se esta en transaccion o no
>       protected m_sErrorString                && cadena con mensaje de
> error
>       protected m_sLogFile                    && ruta y nombre de archivo
> log
>       protected m_bLoggingOut                 && ¿Logging?
>       protected m_oLogFile                    && CTextFile
>       protected m_sSqlCmd
>       protected m_sScriptsPath
>       protected m_iIdiom                              && idioma a usar
> para los nombres de meses
>       **************
>       * ts1: SourceName
>       * ts2: UserId
>       * ts3: Password
>       procedure Init
>       parameter ts1, ts2, ts3
>               this.m_sClsNam = 'Codbc'
>               this.m_sSourceName = ts1
>               this.m_sUserID = ts2
>               this.m_sPassword = ts3
>               this.m_iConnectionID = -1
>               this.m_sCursorResults = ''
>               this.m_sCursorColumns = ''
>               this.m_sCursorTables = ''
>               this.m_sErrorString = ''
>               this.m_sLogFile = TEMPDIR + 'codbc.log'
>               this.m_bLoggingOut = .F.
>               this.m_sSqlCmd = ''
>               this.m_sScriptsPath = 'd:\fpw25\importa\oracle\scripts\'
>               this.m_iIdiom = THIs.GENGLISH()
>       endproc
>       *****************
>       procedure destroy
>               if this.m_bLoggingOut
>                       this.SetLogOff
>               endif
>               if this.m_iConnectionID # -1
>                       this.Disconnect
>               endif
>       endproc
>       ************************
>       function GStillExecuting
>       return 0
>       ******************
>       function GFinished
>       return 1
>       ********************
>       function GNoMoreData
>       return 2
>       **********************
>       function GSystemTables
>       return "'SYSTEM TABLE'"
>       ****************
>       function GTables
>       return "'TABLE'"        
>       ***************
>       function GViews
>       return "'VIEW'"
>       ********************
>       function GDBComplete
>       return 1
>       ******************
>       function GDBPrompt
>       return 2
>       ********************
>       function GDBNoPrompt
>       return 3
>       *******************
>       function GTransAuto
>       return 1
>       *********************
>       function GTransManual
>       return 2
>       **********************
>       function GAsynchronous
>       return .T.
>       *********************
>       function GSynchronous
>       return .F.
>       *******************
>       function GBatchMode
>       return .T.
>       *********************
>       function GNoBatchMode
>       return .F.
>       ****************
>       function Connect
>       local m.bRet
>               ? 'COdbc::Connect()'
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               this.m_iConnectionID = SQLCONNECT( this.m_sSourceName,
> this.m_sUserID, this.m_sPassword )
>               ? this.m_iConnectionID
>               if this.m_iConnectionID < 0
>                       this.GetError( this.m_iConnectionID )
>                       this.m_iConnectionID = -1
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       *******************
>       function Disconnect
>       local m.iRet, m.bRet
>               ? 'COdbc::Disconnect()'
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               m.iRet = SQLDISCONNECT( this.m_iConnectionID )
>               do case
>               case 1 == m.iRet
>                       this.m_iConnectionID = -1
>                       if this.m_bLoggingOut
>                               this.SetLogOff
>                       endif
>               case inlist( m.iRet, -1, -2 )
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endcase
>       return m.bRet
>       ******************
>       function Connected
>       return ( this.m_iConnectionID # -1)
>       ***************
>       * ts1: TiposDeTablas
>       * ts2: NombreDelCursor
>       function Tables
>       parameter ts1, ts2
>       local m.iRet, m.sTables, m.bRet
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'ts1' )
>                       m.sTables = '"' + this.GSystemTables() + ',' +
> this.GTables() + ',' + this.GViews() + '"'
>               else
>                       m.sTables = ts1
>               endif
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'ts2' )
>                       this.m_sCursorTables = 'SQLTABLES'
>               else
>                       this.m_sCursorTables = ts2
>               endif
>               m.iRet = SQLTABLES( this.m_iConnectionID, m.sTables,
> this.m_sCursorTables )
>               if inlist( m.iRet, -1, -2 )
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet   
>       *******************
>       * ts1: NombreDeLaTabla
>       * [ts2]: NombreDelCursorEnQueSeDevuelvenColumnas
>       function ColumnsFox
>       parameter ts1, ts2
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'ts2' )
>                       this.m_sCursorColumns = 'SQLCOLS'
>               else
>                       this.m_sCursorColumns = ts2
>               endif
>       return this.Columns( ts1, 'FOX', this.m_sCursorColumns )
>       **********************
>       * ts1: NombreDeLaTAbla
>       * [ts2]: NombreDelcursorEnQueSeDevuelvenColumnas
>       function ColumnsNative
>       parameter ts1, ts2
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'ts2' )
>                       this.m_sCursorColumns = 'SQLCOLS'
>               else
>                       this.m_sCursorColumns = ts2
>               endif
>       return this.Columns( ts1, 'NATIVE', this.m_sCursorColumns )
>       *****************
>       * ts1: NombreDeLaTabla
>       * ts2: Formato
>       * ts3: NombreDelCursor
>       protected function Columns
>       parameter ts1, ts2, ts3
>       local m.iRet, m.bRet
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               m.iRet = SQLCOLUMNS( this.m_iConnectionID, ts1, ts2, ts3 )
>               if inlist( m.iRet, -1, -2 )
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       ************************
>       * tb1: .T.|.F.
>       function SetAsynchronous
>       parameter tb1
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'tb1' )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'Asynchronous', tb1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetAsynchronous' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor
> debe ser .T.|.F.', BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       *********************
>       * tb1: .T.|.F.
>       function SetBatchMode
>       parameter tb1
>       local m.bRet
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'tb1' )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'BatchMode', tb1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetBatchMode' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor debe
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       ***********************
>       * ti1: 0-600 segundos
>       function SetConnectTimeOut
>       parameter ti1
>       local m.bRet
>               if between( ti1, 0, 600 )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'ConnectTimeOut', ti1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetConnectTimeOut' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor
> debe ser de 0 a 600', BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return 
>       *******************
>       * ts1: DatasourceName
>       function SetDataSource
>       parameter ts1
>       local m.bRet
>               if TYPE_C == type( 'ts1' )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'DataSource', ts1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetDataSource' + _CRLF_ + 'Nombre de
> origen de datos incorrecto', BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       *********************
>       * ti1: 1|2|3
>       function SetDispLogin
>       parameter ti1
>       local m.bRet
>               if TYPE_N == type( 'ti1' ) AND INLIST( ti1,
> this.GDBComplete(), this.GDBPrompt(), this.GDBNoPrompt() )    
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'DispLogin', ti1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetDispLogin' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor debe
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       ************************
>       * tb1: .T.|.F.
>       function SetDispWarnings
>       parameter tb1
>       local m.bRet
>               if TYPE_L = type( 'tb1' )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'DispWarnings', tb1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetDispWarnings' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor
> debe ser .T.|.F.', BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       ***********************
>       * ti1: segundos
>       function SetIdleTimeOut
>       parameter ti1
>       return this.SetProp( 'IdleTimeOut', ti1 )
>       **********************
>       function SetPacketSize
>       parameter ti1
>       return this.SetProp( 'PacketSize', ti1 )
>       ************************
>       * ti1: 0-600 segundos
>       function SetQueryTimeOut
>       parameter ti1
>               if TYPE_N == type( 'ti1' ) and between( ti1, 0, 600 )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'QueryTimeOut', ti1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetQueryTimeOut' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor
> debe ser de 0 a 600 ', BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       ************************
>       function SetTransactions
>       parameter ti1
>       local m.bRet
>               if TYPE_N == type( 'ti1' ) and inlist( ti1,
> this.GTransAuto(), this.GTransManual() )
>                       m.bRet = this.SetProp( 'Transactions', ti1 )
>               else
>                       messagebox( 'SetTransactions' + _CRLF_ + 'El valor
> debe ser 1|2', BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       **********************
>       function GPAsynchronous
>       return this.GetProp( 'Asynchronous' )
>       *******************
>       function GPBatchMode
>       return this.GetProp( 'BatchMode' )
>       *********************
>       function GPConnectBusy
>       return this.GetProp( 'ConnectBusy' )
>       ***********************
>       function GPConnectString
>       return this.GetProp( 'ConnectString' )
>       ************************
>       function GPConnectTimeOut
>       return this.GetProp( 'ConnectTimeOut' )
>       ********************
>       function GPDatasource
>       return this.GetProp( 'Datasource' )
>       *******************
>       function GPDispLogin
>       return this.GetProp( 'DispLogin' )
>       **********************
>       function GPDispWarnings
>       return this.GetProp( 'DispWarnings' )
>       *********************
>       function GPIdleTimeout
>       return this.GetProp( 'IdleTimeOut' )
>       ********************
>       function GPPacketSize
>       return this.GetProp( 'Packetsize' )
>       ******************
>       function GPPassword
>       return this.GetProp( 'Password' )
>       **********************
>       function GPQueryTimeOut
>       return this.GetProp( 'QueryTimeOut' )
>       **********************
>       function GPTransactions
>       return this.GetProp( 'Transactions' )
>       ****************
>       function GPUserId
>       return this.GetProp( 'UserId' )
>       ******************
>       function GPWaitTime
>       return this.GetProp( 'Waittime' )
>       **************************
>       * ts1: NombrePropiedad
>       * tu2: Valor
>       protected function SetProp
>       parameter ts1, tu2
>       local m.iRet, m.bRet
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               m.iRet = SQLSETPROP( this.m_iConnectionID, ts1, tu2 )
>               if inlist( m.iRet, -1, -2 )
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       **************************
>       protected function GetProp
>       parameter ts1
>       local m.uRet
>               m.uRet = SQLGETPROP( this.m_iconnectionID, ts1 )
>               if inlist( m.uRet, -1, -2 )
>                       this.GetError( m.uRet )
>               endif
>       return m.uRet
>       *************
>       function Exec
>       parameter ts1, ts2
>       local m.iRet
>               *_cliptext = ts1
>               * ? ts1
>               this.m_sSqlCmd = ts1
>               m.iRet = 0
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'ts2' )
>                       this.m_sCursorResults = 'SQLRESULT'
>               else
>                       this.m_sCursorResults = ts2
>               endif
>               m.iRet = SQLEXEC( this.m_iConnectionID, ts1,
> this.m_sCursorResults )
>               if -1 == m.iRet
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>               endif
>       return m.iRet
>       ****************
>       function Prepare
>       param ts1, ts2
>       local m.iRet
>               this.m_sSqlCmd = ts1
>               m.iRet = 0
>               if TYPE_L == type( 'ts2' )
>                       this.m_sCursorResults = 'SQLRESULT'
>               else
>                       this.m_sCursorResults = ts2
>               endif
>               m.iRet = SQLPREPARE( this.m_iConnectionID, ts1,
> this.m_sCursorResults )
>               if -1 == m.iRet
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>               endif
>       return m.iRet
>       *********************
>       function ExecPrepared
>       local m.iRet
>               m.iRet = 0
>               this.m_sCursorResults = 'SQLRESULT'
>               m.iRet = SQLEXEC( this.m_iConnectionID )
>               if -1 == m.iRet
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>               endif
>       return m.iRet
>       ************************
>       function SetScriptsPath
>       parameter ts1
>               this.m_sScriptsPath = ts1
>       return
>       **************************
>       function SetIdiomToEnglish
>               THIS.m_iIdiom = THIS.GENGLISH()
>       return
>       ***************************
>       procedure SetIdiomToSpanish
>               THIS.m_iIdiom = THIS.GSPANISH()
>       return
>       ***************
>       function GIDIOM
>       return THIS.m_iIdiom
>       *********************
>       function GIDIOMSTRING
>       local m.sRet
>               do case
>               case THIS.GENGLISH() == THIS.m_iIdiom
>                       m.sRet = 'Inglés'
>               case THIS.GSPANISH() == THIS.m_iIdiom
>                       m.sRet = 'Español'
>               otherwise
>                       m.sRet = 'Idioma no definido!'
>               endcase
>       return m.sRet
>       *****************
>       function GENGLISH
>       return 1
>       *****************
>       function GSPANISH
>       return 2
>       *******************
>       * ts1: RutaYNombreDelScriptSql
>       * ts2: NombreDelCursor
>       * ts3..ts10: Parametros para el script (Ej. "p1 ALEX", "p2 145" )
>       function ExecScript
>       parameters ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4,ts5,ts6,ts7,ts8,ts9,ts10
>       local m.iRet, ofile, m.sStr, m.ipar
>               m.iRet = 0
>               oTok = createobject("ctoken")
>               if file( this.m_sScriptsPath + ts1 )
>                       ofile = createobject( 'ctextfile',
> this.m_sScriptsPath + ts1, -1 )
>                       ofile.openforr()
>                       this.m_sSqlCmd = ''
>                       do while not ofile.eof()
>                               m.sStr = ofile.Gets()
>                               if ";" # left( m.sStr, 1 )
>                                       this.m_sSqlCmd = this.m_sSqlCmd +
> iif(empty( this.m_sSqlCmd ), '', ' ' ) + m.sStr
>                               endif
>                       enddo
>                       ofile.close()
>                       this.m_sSqlCmd = strtran( this.m_sSqlCmd, CHR(9), '
> ' )
>                       * substitucion de parametros
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts3 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts4 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts5 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts6 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts7 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts8 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts9 )
>                       THIS.SubstituteParam( ts10 )
>                       ? this.m_sSqlCmd
>                       if TYPE_L == type( 'ts2' )
>                               this.m_sCursorResults = juststem( ts1 )
>                       else
>                               this.m_sCursorResults = ts2
>                       endif
>                       m.iRet = SQLEXEC( this.m_iConnectionID,
> this.m_sSqlCmd, this.m_sCursorResults )
>                       if -1 == m.iRet
>                               this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       endif
>               else
>                       MessageBox( "No existe archivo " + _CRLF_ + ;
>                                               ts1, BTNOK + ICONEXCLAMATION
> )
>               endif
>       return m.iRet
>       *********************************
>       * subsituye el parametro &&px por el valor correspondiente
>       protected procedure SubstituteParam
>       parameters ts1
>       local oT, m.sp,
>               if TYPE_C == TYPE( 'ts1' )
>                       oT = createobject( 'ctoken' )
>                       oT.setsepstr( ' ' )
>                       oT.setsrchstr( ts1 )
>                       m.sp = oT.gettoken()
>              = oT.gettoken()
>                       if 0 # at( m.sp, THIS.m_sSqlCmd )
>                               THIS.m_sSqlCmd = strtran( THIS.m_sSqlCmd,
> CHR(38)+CHR(38)+m.sp, )
>                       endif
>               endif
>       endproc
>       ********************
>       function MoreResults
>       local m.iRet
>               m.iRet = SQLMORERESULTS( this.m_iConnectionID )
>       return m.iRet
>       ***************
>       function Cancel
>       local m.iRet, m.bRet
> *!*                   ? 'Cancel'
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               m.iRet = SQLCANCEL( this.m_iConnectionID )
>               if inlist( m.iRet, -1, -2 )
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       ***************
>       function Commit
>       local m.iRet, m.bRet
> *!*                   ? 'Commit'
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               m.iRet = SQLCOMMIT( this.m_iConnectionID )
>               if -1 == m.iRet
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       *****************
>       function Rollback
>       local m.iRet, m.bRet
> *!*                   ? 'Rollback'
>               m.bRet = .T.
>               m.iRet = SQLROLLBACK( this.m_iConnectionID )
>               if -1 == m.iRet
>                       this.GetError( m.iRet )
>                       m.bRet = .F.
>               endif           
>       return m.bRet
>       ****************************    
>       protected procedure GetError
>       parameter ti1
>       local m.sLevel, aE, m.sMsg
>               dimension aE[1]
>               =aerror( aE )
>               do case
>               case -1 == ti1
>                       m.sLevel = 'Connection level error'
>               case -2 == ti1
>                       m.sLevel = 'Server level error'
>               endcase
>               this.m_sErrorString = str( aE[ 1 ] ) + _TAB_ + aE[ 2 ]
>               m.sMsg = m.sLevel + _CRLF_ + ;
>                               'Error numero:  ' + str( aE[ 1 ] ) + _CRLF_
> + ;
>                               'Mensaje:       ' + aE[ 2 ] + _CRLF_
>               if this.IsLogging()
>                       ? m.sMsg
>                       this.WriteLog( _CRLF_ + m.sMsg )
>                       this.WriteLog( _CRLF_ + this.m_sSqlCmd )
>               else
>                       messagebox( m.sMsg, BTNOK + ICONINFORMATION )
>               endif
>       endproc
>       ******************
>       function IsLogging
>       return this.m_bLoggingOut
>       ******************
>       procedure SetLogOn
>       local m.sf
>               m.sf = TEMPDIR + 'odbc' +
> left(alltrim(str(int(seconds()))),4) + '.log'
>               if not this.m_bLoggingOut
>                       this.m_oLogFile = createobject( 'CTEXTFILE', m.sf )
>                       if this.m_oLogFile.Create()
>                               this.m_bLoggingOut = .T.
>                               this.WriteLog( 'Inicio: ' + dtoc( date() ) +
> _TAB_ + time() + _CRLF_ )
>                       else
>                               release object this.m_oLogFile
>                               if _CANCEL_ == messagebox( 'COdbc-No pude
> crear archivo Log' + chr(13) + m.sf, BTNOKCANCEL + ICONINFORMATION )
>                                       cancel
>                               endif
>                       endif
>               endif
>       endproc
>       *******************
>       procedure SetLogOff
>               if this.m_bLoggingOut
>                       this.m_bLoggingOut = .F.
>                       this.WriteLog( _CRLF_ + 'Fin: ' + dtoc( date() ) +
> _TAB_ + time() )
>                       this.m_oLogFile.Close()
>                       release object this.m_oLogFile
>               endif
>       endproc
>       ******************
>       * ts1: CadenaAEscribir
>       procedure WriteLog
>       parameter ts1
>               if this.m_bLoggingOut
>                       this.m_oLogFile.Puts( ts1 )
>               endif
>       endproc
>       *****************
>       * to1: CSrcTxt
>       procedure DumpLog
>       parameter to1
>               if this.m_bLoggingOut
>                       to1.Dump( this.m_oLogFile )
>               endif
>       endproc
>       ***************
>       *ts1: CadenaACorregir
>       function FixStr
>       parameter ts1
>       local m.sRet
>               m.sRet = strtran( ts1, "'", replicate( chr(39), 2 ) )
>       return m.sRet
>       ****************
>       *td1: FechaAConvertir
>       function FixDate
>       parameter td1
>       local m.iYear, m.iMonth, m.iDay, m.sRet
>               m.iDay = day( td1 )
>               m.iMonth = month( td1 )
>               m.iYear = year( td1 )
> *!*                                   m.sRet = "TO_DATE('"+
> goDate.ToOracle( m.iDay, m.iMonth, m.iYear ) + "')" &&no numerico
> cuando
> esperaba numerico
> *!*                                   m.sRet = goDate.ToOracle( m.iDay,
> m.iMonth, m.iYear )  &&no se permite columna aqui
> *!*                                   m.sRet = "'" + goDate.ToOracle(
> m.iDay, m.iMonth, m.iYear ) + "'" &&no numerico cuando esperaba
> numerico
> *!*                                   m.sRet = "'" +
> padl(alltrim(str(m.iDay)),2,'0') + '-' + ;            && mascara termina
> antes de convertir fecha
> *!*
> padl(alltrim(str( m.iMonth)),2,'0') + '-' + ;
> *!*
> alltrim(str(m.iYear)) + ;
> *!*                                                    "'"
> *!*                   if goDate.IsLeapYear( m.iYear ) and m.iMonth == 2
> and m.iDay == 29
> *!*                                           m.sRet = "'" + padl(
> alltrim( str( m.iDay - 1 ) ), 2, '0' ) + '-' + ;
> *!*
> padl( alltrim( str( m.iMonth ) ), 2, '0' ) + '-' + ;
> *!*
> right( alltrim( str( m.iYear ) ), 2 ) + ;
> *!*                                                            "'"
> *!*                   else
> *!*                                           m.sRet = "'" + padl(
> alltrim( str( m.iDay ) ), 2, '0' ) + '-' + ;
> *!*
> padl( alltrim( str( m.iMonth ) ), 2, '0' ) + '-' + ;
> *!*
> right( alltrim( str( m.iYear ) ), 2 ) + ;
> *!*                                                            "'"
> *!*                   endif
>                       m.sRet = "TO_DATE('@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@3','DD-MM-RRRR')"
>                       m.sRet = strtran( m.sRet, '@1', padl( alltrim( str(
> m.iDay ) ), 2, '0' ) )
>                       m.sRet = strtran( m.sRet, '@2', padl( alltrim( str(
> m.iMonth ) ), 2, '0' ) )
> *!*                           DO CASE
> *!*                           CASE THIS.GENGLISH() == THIS.GIDIOM()
> *!*                                   m.sRet = STRTRAN( m.sRet, '@2',
> UPPER( LEFT( goDate.MonthNameI( iMonth ), 3 ) ) )
> *!*                           CASE THIS.GSPANISH() == THIS.GIDIOM()
> *!*                                   m.sRet = STRTRAN( m.sRet, '@2',
> UPPER( LEFT( goDate.MonthName( iMonth ), 3 ) ) )
> *!*                           ENDCASE
>                       m.sRet = strtran( m.sRet, '@3', alltrim( str(
> m.iYear, 4, 0 ) ) )
>       return m.sRet
> enddefine             && COdbc
> * //////////////////////////////////
> * //////////////////////////////////
> define class COdbcSynchBatchMan as COdbc
>       protected m_sTableName
>       **************
>       * ts1: SourceName
>       * ts2: UserId
>       * ts3: Password
>       procedure Init
>       parameter ts1, ts2, ts3
>               COdbc::Init( ts1, ts2, ts3 )
>       endproc
>       ****************
>       function Connect
>       local m.bRet
>               m.bRet = .F.
>               if COdbc::Connect()
>                       COdbc::SetAsynchronous( Codbc::GSynchronous() )
>                       COdbc::SetBatchMode( COdbc::GBatchMode() )
>                       COdbc::SetTransactions( COdbc::GTransManual() )
>                       COdbc::SetLogOn
>                       *COdbc::SetQueryTimeOut( 600 )
>                       *COdbc::SetDispWarnings( .T. )
>                       m.bRet = .T.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       *****************
>       procedure destroy
>               COdbc::SetLogOff
>               COdbc::Destroy
>       endproc
> enddefine             && COdbcSynchBatchMan
> * //////////////////////////////////
> * //////////////////////////////////
> define class COdbcSynchBatchNotrans as COdbc
>       protected m_sTableName
>       **************
>       * ts1: SourceName
>       * ts2: UserId
>       * ts3: Password
>       procedure Init
>       parameter ts1, ts2, ts3
>               COdbc::Init( ts1, ts2, ts3 )
>       endproc
>       ****************
>       function Connect
>       local m.bRet
>               m.bRet = .F.
>               if COdbc::Connect()
>                       COdbc::SetAsynchronous( Codbc::GSynchronous() )
>                       COdbc::SetBatchMode( COdbc::GBatchMode() )
>                       *COdbc::SetTransactions( COdbc::GTransManual() )
>                       COdbc::SetLogOn
>                       *COdbc::SetQueryTimeOut( 600 )
>                       *COdbc::SetDispWarnings( .T. )
>                       m.bRet = .T.
>               endif
>       return m.bRet
>       *****************
>       procedure destroy
>               COdbc::SetLogOff
>               COdbc::Destroy
>       endproc
> enddefine             && COdbcSynchBatchNotrans 
> * //////////////////////////////////
> *////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> define class CMYSQL as COdbcSynchBatchNotrans
>       **************
>       * [ts1] NombreDeBaseDeDatosOdbc
>       * [ts2] NombreDeUsuario
>       * [ts3] ContraseniaDeUsuario
>       procedure Init
>       parameter ts1, ts2, ts3
>               this.m_sClsNam = ""
>               if TYPE_C == type( 'ts1' ) and TYPE_C == type( 'ts2' ) and
> TYPE_C == type( 'ts3' )
>                       COdbcSynchBatchNotrans::Init( ts1, ts2, ts3 )
>               else
>                       COdbcSynchBatchNotrans::Init( 'theOdbcReference',
> 'theUser', 'thePAssword' )
>               endif
>               this.m_sTableName = ''
>               COdbcSynchBatchNotrans::Connect()
>       endproc
>       **************************
>       * En VFP mi date format siempre es dd/mm/yyyy, mysql necesita
> 'yyyy-mm-dd' para manejar fechas (FECHA1 y FECHA1 son DATE)
>       PARAMETER ts1
>       LOCAL m.sRet
>               IF TYPE_D == TYPE( "ts1" )
>                       ts1 = DTOC( ts1 )
>               ENDIF
>               m.sRet = ""
>               IF NOT EMPTY( ts1 )
>                       m.sRet = RIGHT( ts1, 4 ) + "-" + SUBSTR( ts1, 4, 2 )
> + "-" + LEFT( ts1, 2 )
>               ENDIF
>       RETURN m.sRet
> enddefine
> *////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> Jose de Jesus Ruiz Gonzalez
> Depto. de Sistemas
> 5480-3886
> -- 
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José Angel Blanco Linares
Depto Servicios de Apoyo Académico
Centro de Enseñanza Técnica Industrial
3641-3250, ext: 264

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