What do you mean when you say, in this case, "does not return the NULL (Brecord"?
(BI have no records that are completely "NULL" though some records do (Bhave a NULL field or two?
(BOn Wednesday, June 25, 2003, at 02:42 AM, Nils Valentin wrote:
(B> Hi tlr7425,
(B> Besides what I said in my last e-mail I completely overlooked that
(B>>> SELECT * FROM machines INNER JOIN people ON
(B>>> machines.machinesID=people.peopleID;
(B> should be
(B> SELECT * FROM machines INNER JOIN people ON
(B> machines.peopleID=people.peopleID;
(B> Even though my first statement should still remain correct. The (B> statement
(B> above does not return the NULL record while the other one does INNER (B> JOIN)
(B> Best regards
(B> Nils Valentin
(B> Tokyo/Japan
(B> 2003$BG/(B 6$B7n(B 25$BF|(B $B?eMKF|(B 15:37$B!"(BNils Valentin $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B>> 2003$BG/(B 6$B7n(B 25$BF|(B $B?eMKF|(B 15:01$B!"([EMAIL PROTECTED] $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B>>> This:
(B>>> SELECT * FROM machines INNER JOIN people ON
(B>>> machines.machinesID=people.peopleID;
(B>> Inludes NULL records
(B>>> Is not producing the same results as this:
(B>>> SELECT lastname, model FROM people, machines WHERE machines.peopleID (B>>> =
(B>>> people.peopleID;
(B>> Dosent include NULL records
(B>>> Can someone please tell why, what's wrong?
(B>> Nothing is wrong thats the way it is supposed to be.
(B>>> (What happens is that the wrong person are listed with the wrong
(B>>> machine -using the INNER JOIN shown above, the second statement I
(B>>> listed works as expected, right person with right machine.)
(B>>> Thanks in Advance,
(B>>> Ted Rogers
(B>> This is a good example which is also described on page 202-203 Michael
(B>> Kofler Mysql (Edition1 )
(B>> Best regards

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