select * from TableName LIMIT NumberOfRows

George Christoforakis
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Maurice Coyle 
  Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 12:34 PM
  Subject: very long query time

        hi all,
        i have a table in my mysql database with around 66 million rows in it.  when i 
query this table, it takes anywhere from 3 minutes to 10 minutes to return the 
results.  i've tried this both from within the mysql command line and from java 

        Section 1.2.4 in the manual says the maximum table size is 4Gb and when i use 
the show status command for this table, it says the data_length is 1,585,947,820 and 
the max_data_length is 4,294,967,295, so the table size seems to be well within the 

        The results for a query to this table can contain up to 11500 hits, so maybe 
this is the problem?  If there's no fix for this, does anyone know how i can query for 
only the top 100 results, say?

        i can't see what's wrong, can anyone shed some light on this problem/offer the 
benefit of your experience in similar matters? i'd really appreciate it if you could.

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