Maybe my question is too obvious but, since you have several databases
instead of only one, have you considered moving some of them to a
separate server ?
Also, have you checked MySQL replication capabilities ?
It is a very efficient way to distribute the load across several
servers unless you do a lot of insert/updates and very few selects.

Joseph Bueno

Wendell Dingus wrote:
Hello, I've got a situation I'm hoping someone here can help me out with. We
have a web server serving up data via some PHP programs pulling from MySQL
(3.23.56 currently) in INNODB tables. There are 40+ (active) databases
totalling a bit over 28 Gigabytes at this point. As we add more users speed
is beginning to drop...

Currently all this is on a single dual P3 1.26Ghz IBM eServer with 4GB of
RAM. 4 x 15K RPM drives RAID5. It's hitting load averages >12 during peak
times and database query speeds are really starting to drag...

I've talked some with the consulting folks at MySQL and have the intention
of contracting them to help analyze our database layout, structure, and
queries to help optimize things. Dealing with belt-tightening management on
the other end though I want to get rolled out some new software and hardware
before doing that. I've been spending time working with a test setup using
the load-balancer routines at and like what I see
so far.

My quandry is this though.. The existing server has 4GB but I can't get
innodb_buffer_pool_size above about 1.2GB  I'd buy tons more RAM and go that
route if it could be utilized, I've not figured out how though and assume
that's the deal with a 32-bit CPU. Reading some about 64-bit Opterons and a
64-bit address space sounds good.

I'm sure I can get the LVS approach with a load balancer and 3 or 4 back-end
"real" servers going without too much trouble. Where do I spend the money
most wisely though? More and more and more RAM in each backend server or is
anything over 2GB going to mostly not be used (Probably P4 2.4Ghz XEON
boxes). Drive speed? I'm thinking I'll test out using fast SCSI drives and
maybe some SATA drives RAID-0 stiped versus non-striped to see the speed
difference. My whole goal is speed, speed, and more speed out of MySQL! The
actual web applications place a very small load on the server, viewing top
or mytop show that database access is where all the time is going and
primarily on the 2 largest databases. A query against one of the other
databases when the server is mainly idle happen in very few seconds or
tenths. The same query (data layout is basically identical across all the
databases) takes > 2 minutes sometimes on either of the largest 2 databases.

So you see my concern? A 2 minute query on an _unloaded_ server is not going
to improve no matter how many servers I put behind a load balancer. Again
I'll pay the MySQL folks to analyze and hopefully come up with lots of
braindead things we're doing and help performance a lot. I have the bosses
ear for hardware _now_ though and want to move forward before that
opportunity passes. I'll post the database specs at the end of this. If you
were hosting that much data without a ton of inserts all day long but lots
of selects where would you concentrate your efforts? Speed of CPU or
speed/quantity of RAM or speed of drives or what? Would you load balance a
quantity of servers or lean more towards a couple of much larger 64-bit
servers? Running entirely out of RAM is very appealing but somehow I suspect
that will be cost prohibitive :)  Just buy reasonable hardware, load-balance
it, and then get the MySQL folks to help optimize things? I sure don't want
to spend a ton and then be told later that it would have been much better
had I went with a different setup if you know what I mean :)    Thanks in
advance! If any additional statistics would help let me know!

PS. Any pointers to any approaches to what I think I read about Google,
_striping_ database data across multiple servers for speed? Also, I'm
unfamiliar with them, but do PostgreSQL or Oracle or DB2 or something like
that have anything that would specifically work better in this scenario?

Mytop output after about 28 hours of uptime so this is just Friday during business hours access primarily: MySQL on localhost (3.23.56-Max-log) up 1+04:56:30 [13:29:15] Queries Total: 1,783,317 Avg/Sec: 17.12 Now/Sec: 0.40 Slow: 1,046 Threads Total: 33 Active: 1 Cached: 0 Key Efficiency: 99.99% Bytes in: 779,059,153 Bytes out: 543,489,706

The databases themselves from phpMyAdmin:
(This one is the main killer: xxxxxxxxxxxx      40       1.8 GB          5.5 GB        
GB )

          Database   Table(s)    Data    Indexes         Total
         xxxxxxx                0        0 Bytes         0 Bytes         0 Bytes
         xxxxxx                 44       88.4 KB         182.0 KB        270.4 KB
         xxxxx                  21       14.8 MB         10.0 MB         24.8 MB
         mysql                  6        1.5 KB          9.0 KB          10.5 KB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    17       1.3 GB          2.6 GB          3.9 GB
         test           0        0 Bytes         0 Bytes         0 Bytes
         xxxxxxxxxxxxx          9        205.8 MB        92.1 MB         297.8 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxxxxx         16       465.4 KB        184.0 KB        649.4 KB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    63       441.7 MB        581.8 MB        1.0 GB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    59       103.2 MB        188.3 MB        291.5 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      59       0 Bytes         59.0 KB         59.0 KB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    53       14.6 MB         4.6 MB          19.2 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    59       139.8 MB        249.5 MB        389.3 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxxx   63       2.1 MB          2.1 MB          4.1 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     55       129.6 MB        80.4 MB         210.0 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    59       38.2 MB         72.5 MB         110.7 MB
         xxxx           53       14.1 MB         4.6 MB          18.6 MB
         xxxxxxx                59       64.3 MB         120.2 MB        184.5 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      59       102.1 MB        181.8 MB        283.9 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       328.5 MB        570.6 MB        899.1 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    59       28.5 MB         58.0 MB         86.5 MB
         xxxxxxxx               53       6.5 MB          1.3 MB          7.8 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       85.9 MB         139.0 MB        224.9 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     63       75.9 MB         104.0 MB        179.9 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     53       34.5 MB         11.5 MB         46.0 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     55       189.8 MB        61.1 MB         250.9 MB
         xxxxx                  59       106.2 MB        188.1 MB        294.3 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     53       31.5 MB         8.6 MB          40.0 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     53       167.4 MB        89.4 MB         256.8 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       55.6 MB         111.1 MB        166.7 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     58       326.8 MB        565.4 MB        892.2 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     63       26.6 MB         25.9 MB         52.4 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      59       37.0 MB         62.2 MB         99.3 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxxx   59       68.3 MB         109.9 MB        178.3 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    53       29.9 MB         8.6 MB          38.4 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    58       99.7 MB         273.3 MB        372.9 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      63       4.2 MB          3.8 MB          8.0 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxxx   63       65.5 MB         121.1 MB        186.6 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     53       76.0 MB         17.6 MB         93.6 MB
         xxxxxxxxxxx    63       5.0 MB          2.9 MB          7.9 MB
         xxxxxxxxx              53       44.0 MB         11.5 MB         55.5 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       436.1 MB        796.9 MB        1.2 GB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       99.8 MB         169.9 MB        269.6 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       71.1 MB         127.4 MB        198.5 MB
         xxxxxxx                63       208.4 MB        281.9 MB        490.3 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       65.0 MB         121.6 MB        186.6 MB
         xxxxxxx                53       7.0 MB          3.2 MB          10.2 MB
         xxxxxx                 63       8.1 MB          5.2 MB          13.3 MB
         xxxxxx                 63       2.8 MB          2.4 MB          5.1 MB
         xxxxxxx                63       89.4 MB         112.0 MB        201.4 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     53       20.9 MB         11.1 MB         32.0 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      63       689.1 MB        1.2 GB          1.9 GB
         xxxxxxxxx      61       766.1 MB        1.7 GB          2.4 GB
         xxxxxxxxxxxx   40       1.8 GB          5.5 GB          7.3 GB
         xxxxxxx                59       31.6 MB         57.9 MB         89.5 MB
         xxxxxxx                53       28.6 MB         8.6 MB          37.2 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      53       13.5 MB         3.5 MB          17.0 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     59       582.9 MB        1.0 GB          1.5 GB
         xxxxxxx                59       27.1 MB         51.3 MB         78.3 MB
         xxxxxxxxx      63       112.2 MB        196.6 MB        308.8 MB
         xxxxxxx                59       99.2 MB         159.7 MB        258.9 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     63       466.1 MB        753.8 MB        1.2 GB
         xxxxx                  38       1.3 MB          103.0 KB        1.4 MB
         xxxx           51       49.8 MB         96.0 KB         49.9 MB
         xxxxxx                 61       108.0 MB        128.0 KB        108.2 MB
         xxxxxxxxxx     0        0 Bytes         0 Bytes         0 Bytes
         Sum:   66      3400   10.0 GB           18.8 GB         28.8 GB
With selected:

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