
you have to add another InnoDB data file. Also adjust other InnoDB
parameters in my.cnf to get a good performance.


An advanced my.cnf example. Suppose you have a Linux computer with 2 GB RAM
and three 60 GB hard disks (at directory paths `/', `/dr2' and `/dr3').
Below is an example of possible configuration parameters in my.cnf for

Note that InnoDB does not create directories: you have to create them
yourself. Use the Unix or MS-DOS mkdir command to create the data and log
group home directories.

# You can write your other MySQL server options here
# ...
innodb_data_home_dir =
#                                        Data files must be able to
#                                        hold your data and indexes
innodb_data_file_path =
#                                        Set buffer pool size to
#                                        50 - 80 % of your computer's
#                                        memory, but make sure on Linux
#                                        x86 total memory usage is
#                                        < 2 GB
set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=1G
set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=20M
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /dr3/iblogs
#                                        .._log_arch_dir must be the same
#                                        as .._log_group_home_dir; starting
#                                        from 4.0.6, you can omit it
#innodb_log_arch_dir = /dr3/iblogs
set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3
#                                        Set the log file size to about
#                                        15 % of the buffer pool size
set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=150M
set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=8M
#                                        Set ..flush_log_at_trx_commit to
#                                        0 if you can afford losing
#                                        some last transactions
set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50
#set-variable = innodb_thread_concurrency=5

Note that we have placed the two data files on different disks. InnoDB will
fill the tablespace formed by the data files from bottom up. In some cases
it will improve the performance of the database if all data is not placed on
the same physical disk. Putting log files on a different disk from data is
very often beneficial for performance. You can also use raw disk partitions
(raw devices) as data files. In some Unixes they speed up i/o. See section
12.1 about how to specify them in my.cnf.


5 Adding and removing InnoDB data and log files

To add a new data file to the tablespace you have to shut down your MySQL
database, edit the my.cnf file, adding a new file to innodb_data_file_path,
and then start MySQL again.

If your last data file was defined with the keyword autoextend, then the
procedure to edit my.cnf is the following. You have to look the size of the
last data file, round the size downward to the closest multiple of 1024 *
1024 bytes (= 1 MB), and specify the rounded size explicitly in
innodb_data_file_path. Then you can add another data file. Remember that
only the last data file in the innodb_data_file_path can be specified as

An example: We assume you had just one auto-extending data file ibdata1
first, and that file grew to 988 MB. Below a possible line after adding
another auto-extending data file.

innodb_data_home_dir =
innodb_data_file_path = /ibdata/ibdata1:988M;/disk2/ibdata2:50M:autoextend

Currently you cannot remove a data file from InnoDB. To decrease the size of
your database you have to use mysqldump to dump all your tables, create a
new database, and import your tables to the new database.

If you want to change the number or the size of your InnoDB log files, you
have to shut down MySQL and
make sure that it shuts down without errors. Then copy the old log files
into a safe place just in case something went wrong in the shutdown and you
will need them to recover the database. Delete then the old log files from
the log file directory, edit my.cnf, and start MySQL again. InnoDB will tell
you at the startup that it is creating new log files.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Transactions, foreign keys, and a hot backup tool for MySQL
Order MySQL technical support from https://order.mysql.com/

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mixo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:21 AM
Subject: Benchmarking

> How can I benchmark the perfomance of Mysql with the following setup:
>   Perl 5.8.0 (perl-DBI, perl-DBI-Mysql)
>   mysql-3.23.54a-11
>   apache-2.0.40-21
>   mod_perl-1.99_07-5
> I want to compare the perfomance of Mysql against that of Pg using my
> own data.
> And, how can I resolve :
>    "DBD::mysql::st execute failed: The table 'Attachments' is full at
> /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm"
> My configuration is as follows:
> +++++++++++/etc/my.cnf+++++++++++++++++++++=
> [mysqld]
> datadir=/var/lib/mysql
> socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> #InnoDB
> innodb_data_file_path = rt3ibdata/ibdata1:2000M;
> innodb_data_home_dir = /var/lib/mysql
> [mysql.server]
> user=mysql
> basedir=/var/lib
> [safe_mysqld]
> err-log=/var/log/mysqld.log
> pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
> +++++++++++/etc/my.cnf+++++++++++++++++++++=
> I have an additional 11Gig partition which is not is use.
> -- 
> SQL Server Benchmarks Mailing List
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