At 14:35 -0700 7/8/03, Steve Quezadas wrote:
> have you done any "optimize" to your tables ?
it should help improving the query performance.

it's normal to have memory lower on each day, because your index files are growing, and takes memory.
if you're not using innodb or bdb, you can try to run "flush threads" and "flush tables". it might release some memory. ;-)

Yeah, that's the thing, the tables don't change. I add maybe 50,000 records in total every three months, but that's about it. Also, no one USES the databse. only like one a day for a few queries. I am thinking that redhat linux, and not mysql, is the culprit since the top reveals that the buffer size is increasing in memory. It's just weird that it gets slower over time, I suspect it's due to RAM.

I am using myISAM tables. Is that innodb or bdb?

Neither. MyISAM, InnoDB, and BDB are three different storage engines supported by MySQL.

- Steve

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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