I am running MySQL 4.0.12 on Windows XP.  I am trying to create a library
database and have a table named "cardCatalog" in the "library" database.
The cardCatalog has the following fields: callNumber (varchar(60)), title
(varchar(255)), author (varchar(255)), category (varchar(100)), location
(varchar(100)), copyrightDate(smallInt(4) unsigned), numberOfPages
(smallInt(4) unsigned), and quantityAvailable (smallInt(3) unsigned).  I
have the following indexes on the table: Primary Key (callNumber), Fulltext
(title), Fulltext (author), and Fulltext (title, category).  The Fulltext
(title,category) is the index I seem to be having problems with.  I have one
entry in the database with the category being "Computer programming,
programs, data".  I try to execute the following query SELECT category,
title, author, callNumber, copyrightDate, location, numberOfPages,
quantityAvailable FROM cardCatalog WHERE  MATCH(title, category)
AGAINST("Computer"); and it returns an empty set.  It should return the
entry, but it does not.  I cannot seem to figure out what I am doing wrong.
Could you please help me, any help would be very much appreciated.

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