Since you are hoping to not repeat the replication setup, your one
chance is that the slave was fully synced at the time of the power
failure.  If you check the master, you will see that it is now using a
different log file (whenever mysqld stops/starts a new log is
created).  You can shutdown the slave, edit the file to
point to the new logfile (there may be more than one) and cross
fingers.  PS.  If this is not fully understood, don't try it.

   I had a power failure on the master and it bounced rather ungracefully.
   Now I'm getting this error on the slave and it's not replicating.  Both
   are ver 3.23

   mysql> slave start;
   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

   mysql> show slave status \G;
   *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Master_User: repli
           Master_Port: 3306
         Connect_retry: 60
              Log_File: db01tc0927-bin.035
                   Pos: 73
         Slave_Running: No
            Last_errno: 1062
            Last_error: error 'Duplicate entry '245937' for key 1' on query
          Skip_counter: 0
   1 row in set (0.00 sec)

   No query specified

   How do I fix this?

   Jeff McKeon

mysql, query

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