At 05:43 PM 7/26/2003 -0500, kumar mcmillan wrote:
First, you will be happy to know that I am migrating a client to PHP/MySQL from ASP/MSSQL. This is for reasons of future preservation, cost, security, efficiency, et cetera. The problem is, I don't currently have a PC and $$ to run Windows 2000 server on. I have been sent the MDF and LDF database files by the client... Does someone know of a way to convert those files to SQL without running Windows to do it? If not, is there an SQL-like format that SQL Server will save as that I can request from the client? Or.... is there an application (Windows or anything) that someone can recommend to make this conversion? I should point out that this is a simple database with no stored procedures or anything fancy.

thanks for taking the time to read this,

Have them export the tables as CSV files. You can then easily import them into MySQL. You will also want them to generate SQL scripts for each table so that you can see the MS-SQL that it takes to create those tables - this will give you the types and names of the columns... (CSV files can be generated to give you the names on the first line, but not the type).

You _should_ be able to find compatible types for each column in order to import the data into MySQL. You _may_ need to do some scripting to convert things like date/time stamps from MS-SQL to MySQL... and you will need to pay attention to differences in functinality.

This should get you started.

Hope this helps,

Pete McNeil (Madscientist)

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