Thanks Keith here it is :)

The booking system will take the format of a form. Customer or travel agent can
select a date of travel. They will also input how many places are needed.

The system will then check that the selected dates are available. At this point
there are two possible responses.


Places are not available: System will bring user back to 1st page and ask them
to choose another date.


Places are available.

System will look at the date of the holiday and check to see if that day is a
Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. Depending on the result a list of possible flights and costs
will be displayed (pulled from the data base)

User will choose their flight.

At this point the system will move the user to a payment area. Where all details
are filled out and will be sent for payment and also e-mail sent to Admin with
booking details. The booking system will also now be updated so that no one else
can book those dates (up to 24 persons rotating).

To deal with the travel agent commission a reference input field for the travel
agent to fill in on the e-mail/payment form. With a description similar to;

If you have a reference code for this holiday, please type it here. (Help)
The help will be linked to a pop up with more advice ect.

The system will take the given date and check the number of places is available
and if so will move to the next day and do it all again. When bookings are
written to the table there will be 2 entries for each person each day. Entry one
will be a reference number into one of the spare places to identify the user who
is in that slot. The second entry will be amendment to the number of places
available. This will be based on the itinerary and keep up to date available
places and avoid booking where no places are left.  Checks will be in place for
bogus bookings (payment).

This is based on the present itinerary and tour booking operation and may need
further amendments to fit in with the live working model.
Ideally what I would like is a DB structure that would work or an idea of the
table holding the Time/Date

Thank you



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