One problem is that you have quoted your "sub-query", which makes it to return a constant string.
Another problem I saw in your code is that you used the same aliases for tables in the query and in the sub-query. In such case, the SQL parser would take all of them to refer to the same table, probably the ones in the query. My suggestion would be to use different aliases in the query and sub-query for the same table. That way, in each of your where-clause, the SQL parser will know exactly which table reference you want. Also, be sure that your data is good so that your sub-query indeed returns some records to be matched; or otherwise the query will not return anything. Hope this helps. ________________________ Lin -----Original Message----- From: Pascal Délisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 11:46 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Nested SELECT statements problem Hi! I try to figure out how to use a nested "SELECT" statement after the "IN" predicate. For example, when I try this code, it doesn't return anything although it should: SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre AND aut.IDAuteur ecr.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre IN ("SELECT book.IDLivre FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like '%$firstName%' AND aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur = aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre = ecr.IDLivre"); So, my question is the following: How should I change syntax in order to make this bunch of code work? I mean, under Oracle SQL, this syntax would be legal and work perfectly, so I'm confused how to solve my problem. Thanks in advance! -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]