Regards, A$
On Saturday, August 2, 2003, at 11:45 PM, Pascal Délisle wrote:
I try to figure out how to use a nested "SELECT" statement after the "IN" predicate. For example, when I try this code, it doesn't return anything although it should:
SELECT book.IDLivre, aut.Prenom, aut.Nom FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE ecr.IDLivre = book.IDLivre AND aut.IDAuteur = ecr.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre IN ("SELECT book.IDLivre FROM livre book, livreEcritPar ecr, auteur aut WHERE aut.Prenom like '%$firstName%' AND aut.Nom like '%$name%' AND ecr.IDAuteur = aut.IDAuteur AND book.IDLivre = ecr.IDLivre");
So, my question is the following: How should I change syntax in order to make this bunch of code work? I mean, under Oracle SQL, this syntax would be legal and work perfectly, so I'm confused how to solve my problem.
Thanks in advance!
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