At 10:30 -0700 8/5/03, Justin Hopper wrote:

I have a table with a FULLTEXT index on a column of type 'text'.
Searches on this table using MATCH() AGAINST() work fine for most
words.  However, I needed to match against a 3 letter word.  So I
lowered the ft_min_word_len to 3 in /etc/my.cnf.  I then restarted
MySQL.  I checked that the variable was set to 3 in the running mysqld.

I don't see that you rebuilt your FULLTEXT indexes after restarting the server. Did you?

But for some reason, I cannot fetch any results:

mysql> select title_id from support_doc_articles where match(article)
against ('dns');
Empty set (0.00 sec)

It does not work IN BOOLEAN MODE either:

mysql> select title_id from support_doc_articles where match(article)
against ('dns' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Actually, I just tried it again, searching for the 3 letter word 'key',
and it brought back results.  Is 'dns' in the stopwords list?  Is there
any way I can see what words are in there?  Can I exclude words from the
stopword list without recompiling MySQL?

They're in the file myisam/ft_static.c in the source distribution. dns is not one of them.

I don't believe you can exclude words from the list without recompiling.

Thanks for any help. -- Justin Hopper UNIX Systems Engineer Spry Hosting

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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