Using DWMX, MySQL, and PHP
SELECT, donations.batch, donations.oikos_id, donations.giftDate, donations.genFund, donations.misFund, donations.benFund, donations.notes,, oikos.famLabel
FROM donations, oikos
WHERE IF(xBatch = '', donations.batch > 0, donations.batch = xBatch) AND donations.oikos_id =
ORDER BY donations.batch, donations.giftDate, donations.oikos_id
xBatch = $HTTP_GET_VARS['searchBatch'] - Comes from a form field named "searchBatch."
When "searchBatch" is empty and thus makes xBatch empty, I get the following SQL error.
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= '', donations.batch > 0, donations.batch = ) AND donations.oi
Why isn't the conditional statement fixing the problem? Any suggestions?
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