Is there now a way within MySQL to log to syslog? I was reading an
archived email conversation between Sinisa Milivojevic and Vincent
Stoessel in which they seemed to indicate that there was no need to log
to syslog. As Vincent only had a request for timestamps in the error
log, Sinisa simply satisfied that demand and moved on.
However, I have a different need. I'm setting up several machines on a
network, and wish for them all to send logs through stunneled syslog
connections to a central logging server, where I can run logcheck et al
to generate reports of system abuse and ensure that all services are
running smoothly. However, with MySQL logging to it's own file, this
presents a problem to me. Some solutions I can see are simply rsync'ing
the logs over daily or mounting the directory over NFS and copying the
logs. However, both of these require me to set up new services, and/or
change already-existing firewall rules, and write new scripts to do the
fetching/retrieval, all of which takes time and effort--not to mention,
needlessly complicates the system.
Have other people expressed a need to do this? I can't imagine that I'm
the first person to run into this limitation, so all I can reason is
that either a) the functionality's in there, and my Google skills have
failed me, or b) there are valid reasons for the lack of inclusion, and
there's a simple workaround. If either is the case, please, let me know!
Thanks in advance.

Stephen Touset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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