All right, you can disregard this :-) I was too quick to post it to the list... those _are_ threads, the kernel upgrade must have introduced them :-). Sorry for the bandwidth!

But other than that, something off-topic: on the very same server I have found that I cannot issue the 'su' command, because it just locks up. All I can see is ('ps aux' after 'su -l www'):

root     11613  0.0  0.0  4096  996 pts/0    S    20:42   0:00 su -l www
www      11647  0.0  0.0  3408  476 pts/0    T    20:42   0:00 stty erase ?

and su... hangs.

What is this any who called stty???

Any ideas?

- Cs.


I have a P4 server with RedHat 8.0 running on the lates stable kernel. I also have MySQL 3.23.54 installed.

My problem is that when I do a 'ps aux', I only see one mysql process: mysql 916 0.0 0.3 38616 3936 ? S 17:39 0:02 /usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mys
(root 881 0.0 0.0 4284 4 ? S 17:39 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/safe_mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf)

ps aux|grep mysql
mysql 916 0.0 0.3 38752 3936 ? S 17:39 0:02 /usr/sbin/mysqld

But if I do a 'fuser 3306/tcp', I get a
3306/tcp: 916 918 919 1127 1128 4774 5348 6042 6083 6214 9113 9123 9424 9445 9448 9819 9909 9984 9992 9994 10088 10095 10096 10112 10127 10228 10240

So basically I have some missing mysql processes. But if I know a pid, I can ps it, like this:
ps 1128
1128 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --basedir=/ --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/ ....

Is this normal? Or maybe the system switched to threads when I was not watching :-), so that is why I only see one process??

Please advise!

- Csongor Fagyal
ps: Being paranoid I have also run the lates chkrootkit... but it says my system is clean.

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