Luc Foisy unknowingly asked us:
Would anything happen to the database if I ran "myisamchk --silent /usr/data/mysql/*/*.MYI" when I havent run "FLUSH TABLES" first?

As it states in the documentation:
If mysqld is running, you must force a sync/close of all tables with FLUSH TABLES and ensure that no one is using the tables while you are running myisamchk. In MySQL Version 3.23 the easiest way to avoid this problem is to use CHECK TABLE instead of myisamchk to check tables.

Or is that only to avoid seeing:
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly

Its very important that I get an answer soon... Please and Thank you


No, don't do this. This is highly unrecommended.

Myisamchk should be run ONLY WHEN the daemon is down and has been shutdown.

This is because, if someone is in the process of modifying the database while isamchk performs its work, myisamchk will unright think, that the table is corrupt, which in reality isn't.

This will lead to myisamchk trying to repair the table unnecessarily, and thus really causing damage to the table, sometimes irreversible.

Sometimes, myisamchk doesn't always generate the warning, as that is not its duty. It is upto YOU, the DBA, to consider this.

Better safe than sorry..

[ Rajesh Kumar ]
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