When I execute the following query I get duplicate product_id's as shown

SELECT * FROM product, product_category_xref, category WHERE
AND product.product_id=product_category_xref.product_id
AND category.category_id=product_category_xref.category_id
AND product.product_publish='Y'
AND product.product_special='Y'  ORDER BY product_name DESC\G

Results ( As you can see product_id 4139 occurs twice and I desire the
product_id's to be unique in this query)

I have also included the descriptions of the tables.

I would appreciate someone assisting me with a query that works correctly.

*************************** 1. row ***************************
            product_id: 4199
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           product_sku: ToBeAs
        product_s_desc: <b>Coming Soon! Preorder Today!</b><br>
A series of essays on the influential thinkers and ideas in modern times.
          product_desc: <b>Coming Soon! Preorder Today!</b><br>
<i>By R.J. Rushdoony</i>. This monumental work is a series of essays on the
influential thinkers and ideas in modern times. The author begins with De
Sade, who self-consciously broke with any Christian basis for morality and
law. Enlightenment thinking began with nature as the only reality, and
Christianity was reduced to one option among many. It was then, in turn,
attacked as anti-democratic and anti-freedom for its dogmatic assertion of
the supernatural. Literary figures such as Shelly, Byron, Whitman, and more
are also examined, for the Enlightenment presented both the intellectual and
the artist as replacement for the theologian and his church. Ideas, such as
the spirit of the age, truth, reason, Romanticism, persona, and Gnosticism
are related to the desire to negate God and Christian ethics. Reading this
book will help you understand the need to avoid the syncretistic blending of
humanistic philosophy with the Christian faith.
<p>Paperback, 230 pages, and indices.
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          product_name: To Be As God: A Study of Modern Thought Since the
Marquis De Sade
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           product_sku: Victims
        product_s_desc: The decline of Americas public education - how and
          product_desc: <i>By Samuel L. Blumenfeld.</i> Americas most
effective critic of public education shows us how Americas public schools
were remade by educators who used curriculum to create citizens suitable for
their own vision of a utopian socialist society. This collection of essays
will show you how and why Americas public education declined. You will see
the educator-engineered decline of reading skills. The author describes the
causes for the decline and the way back to competent education methodologies
that will result in a self-educated, competent, and freedom-loving populace.
<p>Paperback, 266 pages, and index.
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          product_name: The Victims of Dick and Jane
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            product_id: 4139
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*************************** 3. row ***************************
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           product_sku: Victims
        product_s_desc: The decline of Americas public education - how and
          product_desc: <i>By Samuel L. Blumenfeld.</i> Americas most
effective critic of public education shows us how Americas public schools
were remade by educators who used curriculum to create citizens suitable for
their own vision of a utopian socialist society. This collection of essays
will show you how and why Americas public education declined. You will see
the educator-engineered decline of reading skills. The author describes the
causes for the decline and the way back to competent education methodologies
that will result in a self-educated, competent, and freedom-loving populace.
<p>Paperback, 266 pages, and index.
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*************************** 4. row ***************************
            product_id: 4203
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           product_sku: Predestination
        product_s_desc: A thorough presentation of the Biblical doctrine of
absolute predestination from both the dogmatic and systematic perspectives
          product_desc: <i>John B.King,Jr.</i> This book is a thorough
presentation of the Biblical doctrine of absolute predestination from both
the dogmatic and systematic perspectives. The author defends predestination
from the perspective of Martin Luther, showing he was as vigorously
predestinarian as John Calvin. At the same time, the author provides a
compellingly systematic theological understanding of predestination. This
book will give the reader a fuller understanding of the sovereignty of God.
<p>Paperback, 314 pages.
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          product_name: Predestination in Light of the Cross
           category_id: 7920cfab5c630ca88ceabcfda6b3848d
            product_id: 4203
          product_list: NULL
           category_id: 7920cfab5c630ca88ceabcfda6b3848d
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      category_publish: Y
                 cdate: 1028759226
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*************************** 5. row ***************************
            product_id: 4198
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           product_sku: Larceny
        product_s_desc: Why envy often causes the most successful and
advanced members of society to be deemed criminals.
          product_desc: <i>By R.J. Rushdoony</i>. In this study, first
published under the title <i>Roots of Inflation</i>, the reader sees why
envy often causes the most successful and advanced members of society to be
deemed criminals. The reader is shown how envious man finds any superiority
in others intolerable and how this leads to a desire for a leveling. The
author uncovers the larceny in the heart of man and its results. See how
class warfare and a social order based on conflict lead to disaster. This
book is essential reading for an understanding of the moral crisis of modern
economics and the only certain long-term cure.
<p>Paperback, 144 pages, and indices.
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                 cdate: 1057783755
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          product_name: Larceny in the Heart: The Economics of Satan and the
Inflationary State
           category_id: 7920cfab5c630ca88ceabcfda6b3848d
            product_id: 4198
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      category_publish: Y
                 cdate: 1028759226
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*************************** 6. row ***************************
            product_id: 4196
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           product_sku: Chariots
        product_s_desc: See how the modern Christian is again guilty of
Baal-worship, of how inflation-fed prosperity caused a loosening of morals,
syncretism and a decline in educational performance.
          product_desc: <i>By R.J.Rushdoony</i>.See how close Israels
religious failure resembles our own! Read this to see how the modern
Christian is again guilty of Baal worship, of how inflation-fed prosperity
caused a loosening of morals,syncretism and a decline in educational
performance. As in the days of Elijah and Elisha, it is once again said to
be a virtue to tolerate evil and condemn those who do not. This book will
challenge you to resist compromise and the temptation of expediency. It will
help you take a stand by faith for God s truth in a culture of falsehoods.
<p>Hardback,163 pages, with indices.
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          ship_code_id: NULL
                 cdate: 1057782469
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          product_name: Chariots of Prophetic Fire: Studies in Elijah and
           category_id: 7920cfab5c630ca88ceabcfda6b3848d
            product_id: 4196
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      category_publish: Y
                 cdate: 1028759226
                 mdate: 1028759226
*************************** 7. row ***************************
            product_id: 4200
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           product_sku: ConqueringFaith
        product_s_desc: <b>Coming Soon! Preorder Today!</b><br>
This monograph takes on the doctrinal defection of today's church by
providing Christians with an introductory treatment of important areas of
Christian doctrine.
          product_desc: <b>Coming Soon! Preorder Today!</b><br><i>By William
O. Einwechter</i>. This monograph takes on the doctrinal defection of
today's church by providing Christians with an introductory treatment of six
vital areas of Christian doctrine: God s sovereignty, Christs Lordship, Gods
law, the authority of Scripture, the dominion mandate, and the victory of
Christ and His church in history. This easy-to-read booklet is a welcome
antidote to the humanistic theology of the 21st century church.
<p>Booklet, 44 pages.
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          product_name: A Conquering Faith
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            product_id: 4200
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      category_publish: Y
                 cdate: 1028759226
                 mdate: 1028759226
*************************** 8. row ***************************
            product_id: 4225
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           product_sku: wset
        product_s_desc: <font color=CC000000><b>Currently on sale through
August 31st.</b></font> Twelve taped lessons give an overview of history
from ancient times to the 20th century as only Rev. Rushdoony could.
          product_desc: <i>By R.J. Rushdoony</i>. 12 cassettes with notes,
questions, and answer key in an attractive album. <i>From tape 3:</i> "Can
you see why a knowledge of history is importantso that we can see the issues
as our Lord presented them against the whole backboard of history and to see
the battle as it is again lining up?Because again we have the tragic view of
ancient Greece; again we have the Persian viewtolerate both good and evil;
again we have the Assyrian-Babylonian-Egyptian view of chaos as the source
of regeneration. And we must therefore again find our personal and societal
regeneration in Jesus Christ and His Word all things must be made new in
terms of His Word."
<p>Twelve taped lessons give an overview of history from ancient times to
the 20th century as only Rev. Rushdoony could. Text includes fifteen
chapters of class notes covering ancient history through the
Reformation.Text also includes review questions covering the tapes and
questions for thought and discussion. Album includes 12 tapes,notes,and
answer key.
<p>12 tapes in album, Set of A Christian Survey of World History."<br>
<table><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 1</b></td><td>1.  Time and History: Why
History is Important</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 2</b></td><td>2.
Israel,Egypt, and the Ancient Near East</td></tr><tr
valign="top"><td><b>Tape 3</b></td><td>3. Assyria,Babylon,Persia,Greece and
Jesus Christ</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 4</b></td><td>4.  The
Roman Republic and Empire</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape
5</b></td><td>5.  The Early Church<br>6.  Byzantium</td></tr><tr
valign="top"><td><b>Tape 6</b></td><td> 7.  Islam<br>8.  The Frontier
Age</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 7</b></td><td>9.  New Humanism or
Medieval Period</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 8</b></td><td>10. The
Reformation</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 9</b></td><td>11. Wars of
Religion  So Called<br>12. The Thirty Years War</td></tr><tr
valign="top"><td><b>Tape 10</b></td><td>13. France:Louis XIV through
Napoleon</td></tr><tr valign="top"><td><b>Tape 11</b></td><td>14.
England:The Puritans through Queen Victoria</td></tr><tr
valign="top"><td><b>Tape 12</b></td><td>15. 20th Century: The Intellectual
Scientific Elite</td></tr></table>
<p><font color=#CC0000><b>On sale through July 31st.</b></font>
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product_available_date: 0
       product_special: Y
   product_discount_id: 0
          ship_code_id: NULL
                 cdate: 1057797829
                 mdate: 1060810970
          product_name: A Christian Survey of World History (12 tapes)
           category_id: 25fedf73a6b819fd0b06c48ad81c4542
            product_id: 4225
          product_list: NULL
           category_id: 25fedf73a6b819fd0b06c48ad81c4542
             vendor_id: 1
         category_name: WORLD HISTORY
  category_thumb_image: NULL
   category_full_image: NULL
      category_publish: Y
                 cdate: 1057796988
                 mdate: 1057912017
8 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> describe product;
| Field                  | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra
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auto_increment |
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| product_special        | char(1)       | YES  |     | NULL    |
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| product_name           | varchar(128)  | YES  |     | NULL    |
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25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe product_category_xref;
| Field        | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| category_id  | varchar(32) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| product_id   | int(11)     |      |     | 0       |       |
| product_list | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe category;
| Field                | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| category_id          | varchar(32)  |      | PRI |         |       |
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| category_description | text         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
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| category_full_image  | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| category_publish     | char(1)      | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| menu_image_1         | varchar(255) |      |     |         |       |
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| menu_image_3         | varchar(255) |      |     |         |       |
| page_image           | varchar(255) |      |     |         |       |
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| category_flypage     | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| category_browsepage  | varchar(255) |      |     |         |       |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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