Checking and repairing a table is faster using myisamchk when the mysqld
process is down. This fact is due to more of the resource of a system is
dedicated to myisamchk and the system is not trying to process locked
queries, this is the main motivation (for me) to have a db down to do a
Now wouldn't it be cool to have a binary much like myisamchk to alter
tables when a db is off line? To force the alter to move faster by
allocating more resources to it.
//currently I simulate this behavior by shutting down the mysql server
and bring it back up on another port with //myisam_sort_buffer_size=96M.

Is there a mysql tool that can do this? If not could someone direct me
to the various mysql C++ source files that controls the behavior of 
I'd like to work my C++ skills and contribute to mysql by building such
a tool if one doesn't already exist.
- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

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