At 10:42 AM -0700 9/19/03, Jon Drukman wrote:
is there any way to get mysqld 4.0.15a from the linux binary distribution to use another path for my.cnf apart from /etc/my.cnf /usr/local/mysql/data/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

No, but if you have control over how the server gets started, you can invoke it with a --defaults-file option to tell it to ignore the standard option files and specify a file of your own choosing.

the problem is at my company i am not allowed to install things as root, so i can't put files in /etc or /usr/local/mysql/data. the problem with the home directory option is the mysql user is a role account with no home directory. also the server is usually started via sudo which doesn't necessarily set the home directory properly. i could write a shell script that sets $HOME and calls mysqld but then that's another thing to maintain.

the company likes to build their own rpm's of mysql but their track record hasn't been so good lately (the 4.0.14 rpm crashed and burned instantly.) i've got an app which is suffering from random table corruption, which is supposedly fixed in 4.0.15a. i'd like to stick with the official binaries (that seems like a really good idea to me in general anyway) but this my.cnf issue is kind of a drag.



Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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