Bill Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me preface this by saying I am not a MySQL guru myself, but more of a
> general sys admin... !
> One of our users is trying to execute the LOAD DATA INFILE command (using
> PHP to talk to MySQL). It is failing for some reason... Everything I believe
> is set properly, i.e:
> - the user has the file priv enabled
> - the file they are reading is world readable
> - they are specifing absolute path (also tried relative path as well)

Please, provide exactly error message.

> System specifics is MySQL 3.23.53 on OS X Server 10.2.4, this is Apple's
> standard build. PHP is at 4.3.1
> The user has a pretty much identical test environment he claims it works
> there (and works even without the file priv enabled)

Does LOAD DATA INFILE work without FILE privilege or LOAD DATA LOCAL?

> So there is something fundamental I am not seeing...

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