
Some months ago I developed a lightweight middle layer between MySql and the 
web.  The purpose was experimentation with web programming without the 
complexity of a standard middleware layer. I will describe the system to you, 
and make the source available if anyone wants to experiment with the concept.

The syntax is based on URL grammar. My hello program is:

http://address/U?print= Hello World&

or if necessary

http://address/U?print= Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\nHello World&

Either of these copied into the web address of the browser prints a screen 
with Hello World.

The system relies on built in URL scripts, URL scripts stored in MySQL, and 
the original URL script arriving from the browser.

Language characters:

= Macro assignment
& Macro definition terminator
$ Macro expansion
_ External Macro expansion
% escaping sequence


A Uscript is an arbitrary intermixing of the following:
1) plain text
2) $symbol _symbol
3) symbol= uscript&

The system works as a run time macro language. The language is a recursive 
macro define and expand. Plain text is emitted, macros defined special 
character define symbols which are expanded.

a macro definition is:

name= arbitrary text&

an expansion is:

or if the macro is predefined in the MySQL data base.

Similiar to M4, the U interpreter contains a formatter. The formatter is 
useful for filling in SQL and HTML templates for proper execution.

Predefined macros are stored in the MySql as text in standard tables.  The 
predefined macros are the special power of the macro language, and I have 
developed a collection of special- HTML and SQL templates which can be 
expanded as external macros. The parameters in the templates are substituted 
by macro expansion.

Macro expansions follow expected recursive rules:

$$name will expand $name then attempt to expand the result as a macro.

When expansion is complete the resulting text is passed back to the browser.

The macro processor has access to the web and to MySql.  The input and output 
from the database is placed into a square buffer(s) which can be rotated, dot 
producted, and cross producted in various manners under a special ioctl macro 
that controls sql IO.

Other special executive macros are built in.

out ,  out_exec    // Flush the buffer
outb , outb_exec   // Flush the buffer
outf , outf_exec   // Execute tha macro and flush
form , format      // Format the
iop",  iop_exec
inner , inner_exec
sqlio , sqlio_exec  // Send expanded text  to MySQL
mode , mode_exec    // Change the mode of the SQL square buffer
parse , parse_exec  // Execute the specified u script
blob , blob_exec    // Interpret a binary blob
ioctl, ioctl_exec   // Modify the operation of the square buffer

Memory management.

The system assumes text last for the life of the web  page. Uscript output is 
kept in an output buffer until one of the output executives flush the system.

Oldest symbols are garbaged when the symbol table fills.

SQL input is flushes to a square buffers which are stacked. Special symbols 
are compiled into the U interpreter:

There is no text manipulation, all symbols are managed with pointers to a text 
buffer.  All 256 characters are valid, except U script special chars must be 
escaped to be treated as text.

There are no NULL terminated strings, and zero is a valid text char.

The Formatter:

Aside from the Uscript parser, the system offers a separate formatter, 
similiar to the M4 formatter.  This is used to fill in careful text strings 
needed for HTML and SQL templates.

Some of the most frequent HTMS and SQL strings are stored in the parser itself 
at start up to speed the processing.  These templates generally contain 
symbols that must be expanded.


HttpText= Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html> <head> $css </head><body>

In this pre-defined template a style pointer is required for expansion.
This allows compact html pages, for example:

$out=css=StandardStyle& $HttpText arbitary text $End&

would be activated with:

http://address/U?$out=css=StandardStyle&; $HttpText arbitary text $End&

Or if the desired page format is stored as the template

css=StandardStyle& $HttpText arbitary text $End&
in MySql then:



Loading u script into sql tables

The normal operation of sequences of html pages is activated by
the user when an html tag issuse a valid Uscript.

For example, the following template is stored in the SQL pre-defines. Its 
purpose is to provide the next and previous tags that appear at the bottom of 
a table of sql records.  They can be utilized with the macro expansion 
_UpdateAnchor.  The calling U script will predefine the appropiate symbols 
and the macro is emitted. For example, db defines the data base, tb the 
table, sql the query macro, html the output format.


The templates are stored in a data base known to the interperter.

The system has some advantages, for example, an arbitrary table can be 
displayed with column headers properly labeled without prior knowledge of the 
data base.  Also the system can build update forms for changing records with 
no prior knowledge.

I have informully created a pretty form of U script, called PU, or pretty 
uscript, and use a simple format converter with a built in loader for 
templates.  The M4 macro handle comes in handy. The example of PU below loads 
a table of Gif images from MySQL and places them into an html table for 
display.  Some of the text are M4 macros. Script wall be reformatted to U and 
loaded into the SQL as a template. Then can be activated with

  http://address/U? $Giftable&

action GifTable {
        <h2> $userid </h2>
        <caption align ="top">Table of Gif</caption>
        iop( <tr> form($TableTdRow) </tr> )

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