Don't think this is the issue. If it were, I wouldn't be able to use MySQLCC on my own local database which is also 4.1.0 alpha, would I?

Do you use password when you connect to the local 4.1 MySQL server?

Yes. No password, no entry.

Can you connect without --protocol option using 4.1 mysql command-line client program?

No. If I leave off the --protocol option, I get the error message saying I should upgrade my client, even though both sides of the transaction are 4.1.0 alpha.

Well, now that I read your response more carefully, no, I don't need the --protocol option if I am connecting to my local 4.1.0 database using the command line. I DO need it, however, to connect to the 4.1.0 database on the other machine. On the other hand, I do NOT need the option if I connect to a 4.0.15 database on yet another machine. With MySQLCC, I can connect to the local 4.1.0 database and the remote 4.0.15 database. Trying to connect to the 4.1.0 database yields the same upgrade-your-client error message I get with the command line if I leave off the ---protocol=TCP option.


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