We have a script that deletes records from a database that are over then
a certain date. We had no problem running the delete on 3.x, but on
4.0.14, we are having a problem.

Here is the command that does the delete:

$EXECPATH/mysql  --host=hostname --user=blah --password=blah --execute="delete from 
MESSAGES where to_days(now()) - to_days(timestamp) > 2 and sent = 'Y'" test

After running this, the index is hopelessly corrupted and we need to run
"myisamchk -ro" on the index file to fix the problem.

I also noticed that the index is corrupt even before the delete is
happening. This database receives about 9 million records a week and is
constantly updated 24/7. Here is the output of "myisamchk -ai *.MYI":

bash-2.05$ bin/myisamchk -ai ./data/test/*.MYI
Checking MyISAM file: ./data/test/MESSAGES.MYI
Data records:  108469   Deleted blocks:       0
myisamchk: warning: 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
- check file-size
- check key delete-chain
- check record delete-chain
- check index reference
- check data record references index: 1
Key:  1:  Keyblocks used:  97%  Packed:    0%  Max levels:  3
- check data record references index: 2
Key:  2:  Keyblocks used:  62%  Packed:   69%  Max levels:  3
- check data record references index: 3
myisamchk: error: Found key at page 7577600 that points to record outside datafile
- check record links
myisamchk: error: Keypointers and record positions doesn't match
Record blocks:      108469    Delete blocks:         0
Record data:      92107260    Deleted data:          0
Lost space:          81555    Linkdata:         406685
MyISAM-table './data/test/MESSAGES.MYI' is corrupted
Fix it using switch "-r" or "-o"
User time 4.47, System time 1.51
Maximum resident set size 0, Integral resident set size 0
Non-physical pagefaults 0, Physical pagefaults 88, Swaps 0
Blocks in 2524 out 4, Messages in 0 out 0, Signals 0
Voluntary context switches 387, Involuntary context switches 773

Could this corruption cause the delete to totally fubar the indexes? If
so, is there a good way to manage the indexes on the database that has
so many changes? Should I run the "-r" or "-o" on the file before I


Ben Ricker
Wellinx, Inc.

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