I'm trying to move a bugzilla database from a MySql 3.23.54 -> 3.23.56
database on a new machine.
I have exported the database with the following
mysqldump -u root -p<PASSWORD> --add-drop-table bugs > bugs.dump.sql
moved the file to the new machine and done
mysql -u root -p<PASSWORD> bugs < bugs.dump.sql
and I get and error line 38.
So I thought I would avoid the file and do the following
ssh -l root <IPADDRESS> 'mysqldump -u root -p<PASSWORD> --add-drop-table
bugs' | mysql -u root -p<PASSWORD> bugs
and I get the same error..  This brings me to the list... is there any known
problem with taking a 3.23.54 dump and importing it into a 3.23.56 system?
 I would not think so as the dump is SQL.   The first table of the dump is
attachments and the first entry is a large binary attachment.  Is it
possible that the binary data is Fing up the import.  Is their a way to
escape the binary data in the dump process?
Steven Pokrandt
Edifecs, The DNA of B2B
Office:  +1 425.452.0630 X 669
Email: stevenp <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> @edifecs.com
 <http://www.hipaadesk.com/> www.hipaadesk.com "F r e e  Online HIPAA
Testing Service"

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