At 12:23 PM 10/9/2003, you wrote:
Hi guys,

Do both MyISAM tables and INNODB tables support foreign keys in 4.0.15?
If so, are the main advantages of using INNODB tables the added features
of transactions, cascading deletes, and it's other more robust features?
Any thoughts on any disadvantages of INNODB to MyISAM? I know that
INSERTS, UPDATES and DELETES will be slower with INNODB cuz of the
transaction overhead, but do you think the SELECT speed is about the

any feedback appreciated.


For my tables the select speed with InnoDb is about 10x slower than MyISAM. I didn't do any tuning but my feeling is if the table is readonly, stick with MyISAM. If you have a lot of updates to the table, then InnoDb is recommended. You can of course this with your own table structure to see how well it performs.


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