On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 09:42:30 -0600 Colleen Dick said:

>CD- Have anybody ever set up MS Access as a frontend to mysql?
>CD- the dB is an already established mysql db running on linux
>CD- I don't want to convert it, just use access to get to it.
>CD- I have followed the recipe at
>CD- http://www.washington.edu/computing/web/publishing/mysql-access.html
>CD- I can see the tables so I know I'm connecting and the linkage
>CD- is working.  I understand that access has issues with
>CD- enums, so I made a really simple test table with just an auto_inc
>CD- key and a VARCHAR.  When I double click that table icon
>CD- (it's a globe icon) I get Reserve Error -1104.
>CD- Would it be better to just redo all the tables from access
>CD- in the first place?  This database isn't huge.  Thanks...

Reserved Error 1104 is a Jet engine error, and means (IIRC), Invalid
Session Handle.
Recommended fix is to create a new access mdb and try again.
Try another ODBC driver (I have both the 2.5 and 3.51 MySQL drivers -
sometimes one will refuse to work correctly, but then changing the driver
to the other (and then relinking the tables in access) fixes the problems.
There is no regularity / pattern to this. S'pose it just depends on the
mood that windoze is in at the time. :-(

(In the following, I declare an interest as a satisfied Navicat user - I
have nothing to do with the company that has developed Navicat).

Finally, I do wonder if you really _need_ access as a frontend? Have you
tried, for example, MySqlFront or Navicat?
I have Access as a front end for two particular MS diehard employees,
whilst the rest of the group use Navicat. We have loads more problems with
the Access front end than we do with the Navicat. (Lost connections and
corruption of data on the link from the db to access being the main ones.)




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