Tell them Yahoo, Google and others use mysql in the order of power > 50

50-1000 servers actually.

So, with all the great talent @ Yahoo / Google as well as these 2
companies being profitable maybe some things in life are really 2 good
to be true.

Usually no brain-er debates are the best way to win with managers.

- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

-->-----Original Message-----
-->From: Randy Chrismon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-->Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:51 AM
-->Subject: My Company DB Wars
-->My old Micro-Economics professor must be chortling in his grave...
-->The bosses told me a few minutes ago to quit pusing MySQL for an
-->internal project and to move my proof-of-concept tables from MySQL
-->running on a Linux desktop with 512mb of ram and the bloody DB on an
-->external USB to a DB2 database running on a Win2K server with 1GB ram
-->and a 120 GB raid system. The reason? TPTB simply can't believe that
-->licensed MySQL system at $450 for the base license, no connected user
-->fees and $2,500 per year for advanced support (we need InnoDB, FK
-->constraints and transaction safe tables) can possibly be as good as
-->DB2 at a minimum of 5 times the software cost. Afterall, DB2 has
-->triggers and stored procedures (although nobody -- including the
-->contractors actually doing the coding -- can point to a single stored
-->procedure or trigger that is essential to the project). The
-->contractors ARE making fairly extensive use of views but I've already
-->figured out three ways around them.
-->Go figger.
-->I will continue to use MySQL for testbedding. Also, since I'm the
-->gate-keeper for the contractor's code, I'm going to keep their stuff
-->as generic as possible.
-->BTW, one question, does MySQL run on the AS400?
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