I have a question about how long queries should be taking and if my server is too 
small for what I want to be doing.  I have a table setup to record stats from an 
apache web server.  I import the file currently once per month.  Here is my table:
mysql> describe hitStats;
| Field       | Type         | Collation         | Null | Key | Default             | 
Extra          |
| hostIP      | varchar(24)  | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |  
| apacheDate  | datetime     | latin1_swedish_ci |      | MUL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |  
| status      | int(11)      | binary            |      |     | 0                   |  
| bytes       | varchar(20)  | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |  
| contentType | varchar(40)  | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |  
| url         | varchar(255) | latin1_swedish_ci |      | MUL |                     |  
| referer     | text         | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |  
| agent       | text         | latin1_swedish_ci |      |     |                     |  
| statID      | int(11)      | binary            |      | PRI | NULL                | 
auto_increment |

As for what it has in it:
mysql> select count(*) from hitStats;                                           
| count(*) |
|  2749862 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So, about 3 million rows.

I have this running on a Sun Blade 150 workstation w/ Solaris 9.  I think it has 1G 
memory.  MySql 4.1 is the only thing running on this server.  I have another server 
setup just like this one only with mysql 3.x and the times were similar last month 
when I was testing it.

I have read the http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Server_parameters.html page and think that 
I did what it told me to.  

When I try to do any sort of query the times are really long.  Such as:

mysql> select count(*) from hitstats where year(apacheDate) = 2003 and
month(apacheDate) = 9;                               +----------+
| count(*) |
|   988759 |
1 row in set (25.17 sec)

Running top shows:
last pid: 22934;  load averages:  0.42,  0.13,  0.08               
35 processes:  34 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 12.4% idle, 87.6% user,  0.0% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0% swap
Memory: 768M real, 405M free, 433M swap in use, 642M swap free

 22921 mysql     13  59    0  414M  201M sleep    3:39 67.73% mysqld 

So I guess my question is, do I not have a fast enough server?  Is this database too 
much for the machine I am running it on?  Or do I not have it optimized or is 
something else going wrong?


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