jeepcreep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did and it is not running.

Look into error log file. You can find causes why MySQL server doesn't start.

> Victoria Reznichenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:jeepcreep wrote:
>> That is what I did.
> Check with
> ps ax | grep mysqld
> if MySQL server is really running.
>> That's when I get the error 2002 message. Maybe my problem is not with the 
>> mysql.sock file but something else. 
>> Daniel Kasak wrote:jeepcreep wrote:
>>>Just loaded mySQL v4 to LINUX Mandrake v9.2 via RPM. The error 2002 talks
>>>of a mysql.sock file. I can't find this file anywhere on my box. Can't
>>>figure out why I can't find it as I'm preety sure the install was
>>>completed successfully. If I want to rebuild it, though, what's in it?
>> The mysql.sock file only exists while MySQL is running.
>> Maybe you installed MySQL but haven't started it.
>> I don't know how Mandrake handles starting & stopping services, but you 
>> should have a script: /etc/init.d/mysql ( or something like that ).
>> Try:
>> /etc/init.d/mysql start
>> That's what starts it on mine anyway.

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