

            I am getting the following errors in an application log for
4.0.16 mysql and 3.51 myODBC


SQL Error: SQLSTATE=S0002 Native error=1146 '[unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51
Driver][mysqld-4.0.16-Max-log]Table 'TRIBE.NETWORK_VECTOR' doesn't exist'


SQL Error: SQLSTATE=S1000 Native error=1136 '[unixODBC][MySQL][ODBC 3.51
Driver][mysqld-4.0.16-Max-log]Column count doesn't match value count at row




I have no problems reading/writing when I connect with the same user from
the command line or otherwise.  The table does exist with correct
permissions and is read by the application earlier.  The failings all deal
with write operations.


Many Thanks,



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