I am running mysql  Ver 12.20 Distrib 4.0.13, for pc-linux (i686) on RedHat
6.2 (so shoot me, I'm using an old scratch computer so I won't break
anything on the real development machine)


I tried to create a user by inserting directly into mysql.user.  When I set
user.host to localhost, it works, when I set it to % it doesn't.  I thought
% matched anything, and so should match localhost.  In case I've missed
something in the docs, please direct me to the correct page.


I ran this, and it worked


mysql -u root mysql << EOF

delete from user where user = 'foo';

insert into user (host, user, password) values('localhost', 'foo',

flush privileges;



mysql -u foo -pbar << EOF




So then I tried the same thing, just changing localhost to %, and  the
second mysql, where I try to log in as user foo, password bar (I know it's
unsafe to put the password on the command line, this is just for testing)

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)


mysql -u root mysql << EOF

delete from user where user = 'foo';

insert into user (host, user, password) values('%', 'foo', password('bar'));

flush privileges;



mysql -u foo -pbar << EOF




So I tried adding this line to after the insert


select host, user, password from user where user = 'foo';


in case maybe I had botched the insert, or there were other entries in the
user table that messed things up.  Here's what I got (looks OK to me):


host    user    password

localhost       foo     7c9e0a41222752fa


host    user    password

%       foo     7c9e0a41222752fa



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