I just started working with mysql and I'm very novice
Created a simple database and programmed php to connect as follows...

include ("webvars.inc");
// webvars file is this
//<?php$user = "???";$hostname =" ???";$password = "pass";
$link= mysql_connect($hostname,$user,$password)or die ("_something is
$query ="SELECT * FROM projects";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$array = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$usercount = mysql_num_rows($result);

Question 1 
I put the files created from mysql(MYI ,MYD,frm) in the correct
directory at my site  
Is this correct or do they need some kind of compilling? 

Question 2 
How do I Grant my host name and user name 
I'm comfused..It gives me an error message Can't connect because of host
and user mistake..

Thanks Aaron

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