I know someone already ask this,
and the answer generally 'NO YOU CANT' :b

but, is there any work around so i can make a backup server (slave),
from many other server (master) through replication?

well, it's not just a backup server actually..
it really is the headquarter's db server,
and the branch offices can not directly post their transaction..
because the line is teriblyy slloooowwwww :D

so, im thinking of adding extra server on branches
and replicate what ever happens there to the main server

perhaps, if i can run multiple mysql server on different port on the main server,
with it's own database,
that act as a slave one to one to other server,
and add one more that handle all of the DB ..

Main Server        Branch
-----------        ------
DB1, 3306          DB1, 3306, BranchServer1
DB2, 3307          DB2, 3307, BranchServer2
DB3, 3308          DB3, 3308, BranchServer3
DB4, 3309          DB4, 3309, BranchServer4
and so on...

MASTER DB(DB1,DB2...DBn) on port 33xx

is this possible???
or maybe there are other solution.. pleasseee.. i really appreciate it

oh, one more thing, can the replication run both way?
what ever happened on machine A, replicated on machine B and vice versa..


Leonardus Setiabudi
IT Project Coordinator
PT Bina San Prima, www.binasanprima.com

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