"Heikki Tuuri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/24/2003 01:53:07 PM:

> Michael,
> this is the question where the valid answer is: upgrade!

In which version was this corrected? I'm hesitant to upgrade to the latest 
and greatest without it being banged on by the masses first..
I have half a dozen or so business applications running w/ this mysql data 
store, regression testing them would involve an amount of time I can not 
afford to spend. The 3.23 branch works well for us right now and I have no 
real need to use 4.0 (feature-wise.) So until 3.23.x is no longer 
supported or there is a dire need to use 4.x functionality... I can't make 
a business case justifying the regression test work.

> "
> MySQL/InnoDB-3.23.57, June 20, 2003
> Changed the default value of innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit from 0
> to 1. If you have not specified it explicitly in your my.cnf, and your
> application runs much slower with this new release, it is because
> the value 1 causes a log flush to disk at each transaction commit.
> "

Thats it! Thanks.


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