you need a smeicolon at the end of the line

Don Matlock wrote:
Thank you very much for the prompt reply.
Yes you were correct, it was the fact that the password had not been
entered at all...I did the mysql -u root -p
when prompted for the password I just hit enter and was able to get in.

Now I have to figure out why its not accepting the password.  I type the
following command as root in mysql:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 12 to server version: 3.23.49-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD 'xxxxxx'

This is exactly how I typed it in...(just copied and pasted)
When I hit enter with that password...I just get a
confirmation the password was accepted or anything.
Did I type in the command for the pass wrong?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Stassen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 2:40 AM
To: robert_rowe
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Don Matlock
Subject: Re: Help:)

robert_rowe wrote:

Issuing this command:

mysql>SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD xxxxxxxxxx

set your password to xxxxxxxxxx

I'm not so sure. PASSWORD is a function which expects a string. The correct syntax is

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('new_password')

so I don't believe this worked unless Don is misquoting what he did.

You will need to use

mysql -u root -p xxxxxxxxxx

This will not work. You may not put a space between the -p and the password. The space indicates that xxxxxxxxxx is the db to use. If you

want to provide the password on the command line (not really a good idea), the syntax is

mysql -u root -pxxxxxxxxxx

See, no space between the -p and the password.

from the local machine to get access with the root user.


mysql -u root -p

is specifying a blank password.

No, it is not. The -p indicates you want to give a password to authenticate. Since you didn't provide the password on the command line, mysql will prompt you for it.

I believe that this:

mysql -u root

will prompt you for the password without echoing it to the screen.

No. This will try to authenticate without a password, which will only work if the specified user (root, in this case) has no password.


I expect that when you enter `mysql -u root -p`, you get prompted for a password and then get an error message. It would help if you would please post the exact text of the error message. In the meantime, try your old password (or no password, `mysql -u root`, if root didn't have one before), in case the SET PASSWORD failed.

Alternatively, take a look at "How to Reset a Forgotten Root Password" <> in the manual for the directions on how to use --skip-grant-tables to recover your root mysql password.


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