Table's defined with ... "content TEXT" field, but when I issue the command
insert into content values ( 'test', '', 'index.html', 1.000, 
'index.html','','', load_file('/home/projects/URCMS/test/index.html'), 
'import', now(), 'test', 'import', 0,'');
either as  script input, or from the sql command line, I get rc=0, but when 
I select from the table, what I see is the value of the field named content 
is NULL (and I *did* define it to be NOT NULL).

What am I missing about load_file? I do have the full path to the file to be 
loaded into the TEXT column, and I've tried it with both single and double 

FASCISM.  A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the 
extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business
leadership, together with belligerent nationalism. -- The American
Heritage Dictionary Houghton Mifflin Company, 1983

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