Hi MySQLians!

I have clearly mentioned my objective and the portion of work i have finished in my 
last mail.
unfortunatly I don't find any reply for the past weekdays. Tii I have a trust, some 
one would take
time to read this and sent me the suggestion to this list.

My current issue is from mysql_init function of MySQL in libmysql.lib library file. 
i.e.,         MYSQL* mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql),     here actually this function require 
a parameter
of MYSQL type NULL pointer and return back the MYSQL handle.

>From COBOL, If I pass a NULL pointer to this function, it wouldn't agree with that 
>and produce
runtime ERROR as  "RDB010E: Interrupt trapped: Illegal storage access". 

The error says that, the function trying to access some invalid location other than 
MySQL - right?

To resolve this I try to frame the MYSQL datatype NULL Pointer in COBOL, for that when 
I look the
Datatype used in "mysql.h" header file, I found that it has number of decalarations 
using standard
datatypes and some user defined data types. see below;

typedef struct st_mysql 
NET     net;                    
gptr    connector_fd;             
char    *host,
struct charset_info_st *charset;
MYSQL_FIELD     *fields;
MEM_ROOT        field_alloc; 
my_ulonglong affected_rows;  
my_ulonglong insert_id;           
my_ulonglong extra_info;        
unsigned long thread_id;          
unsigned long packet_length;  
unsigned int    port, 
unsigned int protocol_version;  
unsigned int field_count;  
unsigned int server_status;  
unsigned int  server_language;  
struct st_mysql_options options;  
enum mysql_status status;  
my_bool free_me;          
my_bool reconnect;        
char scramble_buff[9];          
my_bool rpl_pivot;              
struct st_mysql * master, 
struct st_mysql* last_used_slave; 
struct st_mysql* last_used_con;

  - I want to confirm that Is this much lengthy decalration of pointer needed? (OR)
  - We can just find the length and given it to COBOL pointer declaration?
  - Incase Length does the needs how to fix the length for each dataitem in C?

If it succeed we all, as MySQL user can proud of put a mile stone for the support to 

I would be wonder if any one read this clearly and suggest me. 



 --- Arunachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi!
> I am trying to connect MySQL Database to COBOL. I have made it possible to some 
> stages by the
> way
> as follows; I have developed this under; 
> Client: Microsoft Windows 2000 Service pack 4.
> CA-Realia COBOL Compiler Version 6.0.45
> Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 6.00.8168
> MySQL server 4.0.17-max in SUSE Linux,
> MySQL provides set of C API to interact with MySQL database, to link the functions 
> to the
> compiler
> it provides a library file "libmysql.lib". COBOL has the External subroutine featurs 
> to CALL the
> program written in other languages. 
> When I try to link existing libmysql.lib file directly to the COBOL compiler it 
> won’t recognize
> it. So I have prepared a COBOL compiler specific library file from the corresponding
> libmysql.dll
> file, in such a way. (The libmysql.dll I have used to create COBOL compiler specific
> libmysql.lib
> is gathered from Mysql 4.0.17-max-debug for windows, in my localhost)
> The COBOL compiler specific libmysql.lib is linked successfully to the COBOL 
> Compiler and I have
> written some subroutine call to the function related to database connection from 
> COBOL. Such
> that
> mysql_init, mysql_real_connect, mysql_real_query, mysql_error and mysql_close.
> Here mysql_init requires a Null pointer argument and return the MySQL handle back.
> mysql_real_connect use that MySQL handle with additional arguments host name, 
> userid, password,
> DB
> name, port number, socket and flag to establish connection to the specified database.
> In my case mysql_init return a handle to mysql_real_connect, but instead of 
> connection
> establishment to MySQL it shows runtime error in COBOL as
>       RDB0104E: Interrupt trapped: Illegal storage access.
> And store an error message in variable’s memory space as;
>       Unknown MySQL Server host
> So I want to have suggestion regarding the following;
> 1.    ‘Unknwon MySQL server host’ means it could not able to recognize the 
> particular Host what I
> have mentioned or anything else?
> 2.    For the socket parameter in mysql_real_connect I have passed NULL value. Is it 
> correct?
> 3.    I have prepared the COBOL compiler specific libmysql.lib from libmysql.dll 
> which I have taken
> from Windows as per the suggestions read from MySQL documentation. – is this correct?
> 4.    From my client machine i.e., windows platform I can able to connect to MySQL 
> by writing
> simple
> C program using that C APIs. Then why it does not work with COBOL?
> Thanks , any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated.
> Arun.
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