Matthew Stuart wrote:

mysqldump is run at the system command-line, not within the mysql client environment.

This is most likely to be my problem then. I assumed that what is called the system command line to be the mysql client environment. The tutorial book that I have been going through instructs me to issue this command in the start menus run dialogue box:

C:\Windows\Desktop> cd C:\mysql\bin

and from there I have issued all commands in the black window.

Is this not the command line, and if not, what is?

That is the command line.

Open a new Command Prompt in windows (something like Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt)

Then type cd c:\mysql assuming that is where you installed MySQL then type :

bin\mysqldump -uusername -ppassword dbname csi_db01 > c:\csi_db01.sql

This will create a file called csi_db01.sql in the base of your C: drive that contains all the SQL needed to recreate your table.

Note that the c:\mysql isn't strictly needed - and it would work just as well to type c:\mysq\bin\mysqldump in any folder in your system.

I'm sure this functionality definately works, so if you can't make it work then post back to the list and someone will realise what mistake you're making.


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