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MySQL Connector/J 3.0.10, a new version of the Type-IV all-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL has been released.

Version 3.0.10 is a bugfix/performance release for the STABLE tree.

It is now available in source and binary form from the Connector/J
download pages at http://www.mysql.com/downloads/api-jdbc-stable.html
and mirror sites.

Note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point of time -
if you can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or
choose another download site.

- From the changelog:

01-13-04 - Version 3.0.10-stable
    - Don't count quoted id's when inside a 'string' in
PreparedStatement parsing (fix for BUG#1511).
    - 'Friendlier' exception message for PacketTooLargeException
    - Backported fix for aliased tables and UpdatableResultSets in
      checkUpdatability() method from 3.1 branch.
    - Fix for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception when using
Statement.setMaxRows() (BUG#1695).
    - Fixed BUG#1576, dealing with large blobs and split packets not
being read correctly.
    - Fixed regression of Statement.getGeneratedKeys() and REPLACE
    - Fixed BUG#1630, subsequent call to ResultSet.updateFoo() causes
NPE if result set is not updatable.
    - Fix for 4.1.1-style auth with no password.
    - Fix for BUG#1731, Foreign Keys column sequence is not consistent
in DatabaseMetaData.getImported/Exported/CrossReference().
    - Fix for BUG#1775 - DatabaseMetaData.getSystemFunction() returning
      bad function 'VResultsSion'.
    - Fix for BUG#1592 -- cross-database updatable result sets
      are not checked for updatability correctly.
    - DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() should return Types.LONGVARCHAR for
      MySQL LONGTEXT type.
    - ResultSet.getObject() on TINYINT and SMALLINT columns should
return Java type 'Integer' (BUG#1913)
    - Added 'alwaysClearStream' connection property, which causes the driver
      to always empty any remaining data on the input stream before
      each query.
    - Added more descriptive error message 'Server Configuration Denies
      Access to DataSource', as well as retrieval of message from server.
    - Autoreconnect code didn't set catalog upon reconnect if it had
been changed.
    - Implement ResultSet.updateClob().
    - ResultSetMetaData.isCaseSensitive() returned wrong value for
    - Fix for BUG#1933 -- Connection property "maxRows" not honored.
    - Fix for BUG#1925 -- Statements being created too many times in
    - Fix for BUG#1914 -- Support escape sequence {fn convert ... }
    - Fix for BUG#1958 -- ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when parameter number ==
      number of parameters + 1.
    - Fix for BUG#2006 -- ResultSet.findColumn() should use first
matching column name when there are duplicate column names in SELECT
query (JDBC-compliance).
    - Removed static synchronization bottleneck from
    - Removed static synchronization bottleneck from instance factory
      method of SingleByteCharsetConverter.
    - Enable caching of the parsing stage of prepared statements via
      the 'cachePrepStmts', 'prepStmtCacheSize' and
'prepStmtCacheSqlLimit' properties (disabled by default).
    - Speed up parsing of PreparedStatements, try to use one-pass
whenever possible.
    - Fixed security exception when used in Applets (applets can't
      read the system property 'file.encoding' which is needed
    - Use constants for SQLStates.
    - Map charset 'ko18_ru' to 'ko18r' when connected to MySQL-4.1.0 or
    - Ensure that Buffer.writeString() saves room for the \0.
    - Fixed exception 'Unknown character set 'danish' on connect w/
    - Fixed mappings in SQLError to report deadlocks with SQLStates of
    - 'maxRows' property would affect internal statements, so check it
for all statement creation internal to the driver, and set to 0 when it
is not.

Have fun with it!


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