I've been trying to optimise the operation of a MySQL (4.0.13) 
installation on a Windows 2000 based web server. After going through the 
docs and browsing the net for some time, it seems that after ensuring that 
your database design is sound and your queries correctly structured with 
the right indexes present then further optimisation can be realised by 
tinkering with the MySQL server's startup parameters, principally the key 
buffer size. It seems that the key buffer is solely used as an index cache 
and that extending this, up to a point, potentially will significantly 
improve performance. However, after playing with this value on my system 
for a while, I have a number of questions about how it works...
1) I assume that the key buffer caches the contents of the myi files (I'm 
only talking MyISAM tables here) but is this a direct copy of the contents 
? i.e. if you extend the key buffer so that it is bigger than the sum of 
the size of the myi files on your system, then will this be sufficient to 
be able to cache all the indexes all the time ? 
2) Does the whole index get loaded into the cache on the first time it's 
accessed or do only 'parts' of the index get loaded as they are used for 
various queries ?
3) If an index is updated for any reason, is the whole cache copy of the 
index then invalidated or is the cache copy updated at the same time as 
the disk file?

One idea I was toying with was to 'delay' all inserts to the sensitive 
tables (an update is done every five minutes for my particular system) so 
that the tables are updated pretty much in one single go and then ensure 
the key buffer is refreshed so that all select queries on these tables for 
the next five minute period will use only cached indexes. Does this sound 
plausible and or sensible ?

Thanks and Regards,

John Everitt
Philips C/IT.

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