I'm testing store procedures, and I want to know the number of records returned from a query.
There is a function or variable to get it through odbc?
I'll be trying with mysql_num_results() but makes me en error (seems to be made for c api)
select field1 from table where field2=1;
select mysql_num_results() as num;
-------Mensaje original-------
Fecha: 01/15/04 13:37:42
Asunto: RE: Installing MySQL on Linux, HELP!
I have had some help on my mysql install woes, and here's the latest.
rpm -qa | grep MySQL - this just hung and never returned anything (see
# service mysqld start
# service mysql start - these just returned a new command prompt, so
couldn't tell whether or not they worked. I checked my processes and never
saw mysqld.
I put in 'whereis mysql', and this returned:
I was going to output a new list of installed packages to ensure that mysql
was in there, but rpm -qa | ./installed_packages doesn't seem to work at the
moment...I can't restart the server right now, so perhaps I could kill and
restart some process? However, this is from yesterday's output:
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