And then Eve said...

>After some trouble with rpm, I managed to create a file of installed
>packages. Redhat 9 says I have installed:


That's right. That's what you get with RH9. I'm repeating myself here from 
my email to you directly last evening, but I'd use the very clear, very 
accurate manual to build and install from source given at Everything in that manual, related 
especially to MySQL, works just as documented. 

>And I am not having any luck with these...starting them, installing them,
>compiling them. I have read manuals, taken advice, but nothing 
>to get things to work.

>I would prefer to install a version of at least 4 for a server.

The manual uses 4.0.16 but you could substitute whatever version you'd 

>Any help is appreciated!

Help was given. You refused it.


BTW, at a MySQL training course I attended, the instructor advised _NOT_ 
to go the rpm route.


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